Scenes from the Old Testament - BARTOLO DI FREDI - WGA
Scenes from the Old Testament by BARTOLO DI FREDI
Scenes from the Old Testament by BARTOLO DI FREDI

Scenes from the Old Testament


The Collegiata Santa Maria Assunta, directly adjacent to the Palazzo Comunale, is San Gimignano’s main church. The fresco decoration of the nave of the Romanesque-Gothic church began in the 1340s and continued through three phases in the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries. The decoration encompassed New Testament scenes in the north aisle by Lippo Memmi (c. 1340), Old Testament scenes in the south aisle by Bartolo di Fredi (1367), and a depiction of the Last Judgment on the east wall and in the first bay of the nave. by Taddeo di Bartolo (c. 1413).

The picture shows four scenes from the Old Testament, located in the fourth bay of the south aisle. The scenes are: The Departure of Abraham and Lot (above left), Abraham and Lot Separate (above right), God and Satan Agree on the Temptation of Job (below left), Sabeans and Chaldeans Kill Job’s Servants.

You can find a description of the frescoes in the north aisle in the section of Lippo Memmi.

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