Jesus before Annas and Peter First Denying Jesus (scenes 8-9) - DUCCIO di Buoninsegna - WGA
Jesus before Annas and Peter First Denying Jesus (scenes 8-9) by DUCCIO di Buoninsegna
Jesus before Annas and Peter First Denying Jesus (scenes 8-9) by DUCCIO di Buoninsegna

Jesus before Annas and Peter First Denying Jesus (scenes 8-9)

by DUCCIO di Buoninsegna, Tempera on wood, 99 x 54 cm

The picture shows two of the 26 narrative scenes from the Stories of the Passion on the reverse side of the Maestà. The panel containing the scenes is situated in the bottom row of the right side of the main section.

The rule of absolute autonomy being given to each single scene is successfully broken in this panel. The two episodes, told by John, occur simultaneously but in different places and the stairs, a material link in space, also connect the time-factor. While Jesus is brought before the High Priest Annas, Peter remains in the courtyard where a servant-girl recognizes him as a friend of the accused: his raised hand indicates the words of denial.

The surroundings are full of vivid architectural detail: the doorway with a pointed arch opening onto the room with a porch, the Gothic window of the small balcony, the pilaster strips on the back wall of the upper floor and the coffered ceiling, this time with smaller squares. Peter, whose halo in a curious fashion includes the head and shoulders of the person next to him, is warming his feet at the fire in a highly realistic manner. Lastly, because of her vertical position and arm resting on the handrail, the figure of the serving-maid about to go up the stairs was evidently the cause of much indecision since several “changes of mind” have been discovered around the skirt.

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