ÁLVAREZ Y CUBERO, José - b. 1768 Priego de Córdoba, d. 1827 Madrid - WGA


(b. 1768 Priego de Córdoba, d. 1827 Madrid)

Spanish sculptor, his full name was José Álvarez de Pereira y Cubero. Bred to his father’s trade of a stonemason, he devoted all his spare time to drawing and modelling. His education in art was due partly to the teaching of the French sculptor Verdiguier at Cordova, and partly to lessons at Madrid, where he attended the lectures of the academy of San Fernando.

In 1799 he obtained from Charles IV a pension of 12,000 reals to enable him to visit Paris and Rome. In the former city he executed in 1804 a statue of Ganymede, which placed him at once in the front rank of the sculptors of his time, and which is now in the Museo del Prado. Shortly afterwards his pension was more than doubled, and he left Paris for Rome, where he remained until within a year of his death.

He had married in Paris Elizabeth Bougel, by whom he had a son in 1805. This son, known as Don José Alvarez y Bougel, also distinguished himself as a sculptor and a painter, but he died at Burgos before he had reached the age of twenty-five, a little more than two years after his father’s death in Madrid in 1827.

One of the most successful works of the elder Alvarez was a group representing Antilochus and Memnon, which was commissioned in marble (1818) by Ferdinand VII, and secured for the artist the appointment of court-sculptor. It is now in the museum of Madrid. He also modelled a few portrait busts (Ferdinand VII, Gioacchino Rossini, the Duchess of Alba), which are remarkable for their vigour and fidelity.

Apollo by


In Spain, the principal sculptors at the beginning of the nineteenth century were those who had trained in France or Italy and who identified closely with international Neoclassicism. Jos� �lvarez Cubero was the foremost of these. Like Canova, he produced elegant freestanding figures.

Isabel de Braganza, Queen of Spain
Isabel de Braganza, Queen of Spain by

Isabel de Braganza, Queen of Spain

The Defence of Zaragoza
The Defence of Zaragoza by

The Defence of Zaragoza
