Scenes from the Life of Alexander the Great - PINO, Marco - WGA
Scenes from the Life of Alexander the Great by PINO, Marco
Scenes from the Life of Alexander the Great by PINO, Marco

Scenes from the Life of Alexander the Great

by PINO, Marco, Fresco

The seemingly plastic organization of the walls features bronze chiaroscuri framed in stone; round-headed niches flanked by columns, with “living” figures of the Virtues; overdoor paintings with female personifications; and pairs of putti holding bronze tondi. The plastic organization of the walls enters into competition with the fully plastic, partially gilded stucco of the ceiling and its colourful paintings.

The six ceiling paintings and the large wall areas were reserved for scenes from the life of Alexander the Great, while the act of Apostle Paul - from his conversion to martyrdom - were depicted in the six tondi above the doors of the room. The selection of these two protagonists was clearly intended to play on the two names of the pope (Alessandro Farnese having become Paul III).

Perino del Vaga painted just a part of the frescoes, the other parts being done by collaborators following his cartoons. Marco Pino from Siena, a student of Beccafumi, painted the six Alexander scenes on the vault:

1. Alexander the Great before the High Priest

2. Alexander the Great in the Temple of Jerusalem

3. Alexander the Great Burns His Own Train

4. Alexander the Great Battles the Indian King Porus

5. Alexander the Great Has Ships Built

6. Alexander the Great’s Entry into Babylon.

The picture shows the second scene of the Alexander cycle on the vault: Alexander the Great in the Temple of Jerusalem. In the temple Alexander was shown the book of Daniel, in which it was written the prophecy that a Greek, which Alexander understood to mean himself, would destroy the empire of the Persians.

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