PIREZ D'ÉVORA, Alvaro - b. ~1390 Évora, d. ~1440 Italy - WGA


(b. ~1390 Évora, d. ~1440 Italy)

Italian painter of Portuguese birth (also called Alvaro di Pietro; Alvaro Portoghese). He is first recorded in Pisa, where he arrived some time before 1411; he was probably trained in Valencia. He was influenced by Turino di Vanni and Taddeo di Bartolo and evolved a style that reflects a combination of Pisan, Florentine and Sienese trends in Late Gothic painting.

In 1411 he and Niccolò di Pietro Gerini painted frescoes on the façade of the Palazzo del Ceppo in Prato (destroyed). His two signed and dated works are an altarpiece with the Virgin and Child with Four Saints (1423; Volterra, Pinacoteca Comunale), and a triptych (1434; Brunswick, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum) with the Annunciation, Crucifixion and Resurrection. He also signed panels of the Virgin and Child with Angels in Santa Croce a Fossabanda, Pisa, and in the Franciscan church in Nicosia, Sicily. Paintings attributed to Alvaro Pirez include two side panels from a dispersed altarpiece, SS Michael and John the Evangelist (Warsaw, National Museum) and SS Catherine and James (Münster, Westfälisches Landesmuseum); two panels of Four Apostles (two on each panel; Altenburg, Staatliche Lindenau-Museum); panels of the Virgin and Child (Livorno, church of the Casa di Riposo; Cagliari, Museo Archeologico Nazonale); and fragments of a St Catherine (Berne, Kunstmuseum) and a St Francis (private collection). He had no imitators or followers.

Annunciation by


This small panel from the artist’s mature period, meant for private devotion, was probably once the left wing of a diptych. This mature period is marked by a significantly increased observation of small details and decoration, and of the individualized physiognomy of his figures. The figure of the Virgin Annunciate reveals the significant influence of Lorenzo Monaco, while the wings of the angel appear to be a direct quote from Simone Martini’s Annunciation in the Uffizi, Florence.

Annunciation (detail)
Annunciation (detail) by

Annunciation (detail)

Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael by

Archangel Michael

The present panel is one of a group of paintings which appear to have been pilasters from the same altarpiece, all of approximately the same dimensions and with corresponding punchwork.

Triptych of the Pietà
Triptych of the Pietà by

Triptych of the Pietà

The attribution of the triptych to Alvaro Pirez de �vora is not universally accepted, it could be the work of an anonymous Tuscan master who was familiar with the works of the Iberian artists working in Tuscany and adopted their style in his paintings.
