ROUBILIAC, Louis-François - b. 1705 Lyon, d. 1762 London - WGA

ROUBILIAC, Louis-François

(b. 1705 Lyon, d. 1762 London)

French-born sculptor, active in England for virtually his entire career. Little is known of his life before he settled in London in the early 1730s, although he is said to have trained under Balthasar Permoser in Saxony and Nicolas Coustou in Paris. He made his reputation with a full-length seated statue of the composer Handel (Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1738), remarkable for its lively informality, and quickly became recognized as the most brilliant portrait sculptor of the day. His busts have great vivacity, stressing small forms and rippling movement in a manner very different from the broader treatment of his contemporary Michael Rysbrack.

He was especially successful with portraits of old and ugly men, and in his series of busts at Trinity College, Cambridge, and the celebrated statue of Newton (1755) there, he showed a remarkable gift for producing lively portraits of men long dead. Roubiliac was also outstanding as a tomb sculptor, several notable examples being in Westminster Abbey, including the marvellously dramatic tomb of Lady Elizabeth Nightingale (1761), who is shown being attacked with a spear by Death (a hideous skeleton emerging from a vault), while her husband vainly tries to keep him at bay (the skeleton was carved by Roubiliac’s assistant Nicolas Read, c. 1733-87). The Nightingale monument clearly shows the influence of Bernini, whose work so impressed Roubiliac when he visited Rome in 1752; he said that compared to Bernini’s his own sculptures looked ‘meagre and and starved, as if made of nothing but tobacco pipes’.

Roubiliac is generally regarded as one of the greatest sculptors ever to work in England, certainly the greatest of his period. He had a vivid imagination and he was a superb craftman.

Bust of Alexander Pope
Bust of Alexander Pope by

Bust of Alexander Pope

Alexander Pope (1688-1744) was a poet and satirist of the English Augustan period, best known for his poems An Essay on Criticism (1711), The Rape of the Lock (1712-14), The Dunciad (1728), and An Essay on Man (1733-34). He is one of the most quotable of all English authors.

This portrait bust of Alexander Pope is one of several versions associated with Roubiliac, and was probably carved by an assistant in his workshop.

Bust of John Belchier
Bust of John Belchier by

Bust of John Belchier

In addition to producing excellent funerary monuments, Roubilliac was also a virtuoso portrait sculptor who liked to represent his sitters in simple contemporary clothes.

George Frideric Handel
George Frideric Handel by

George Frideric Handel

Roubilliac sculpted the portrait of Handel for the Vauxhall Gardens in London. The composer is fingeringthe strings of hi lyre like another Apollo while a putto transcribes the notes at his feet; yet Handel is dressed in ordinary clothes and has even neglected to remove what appears to be his nightcap.

Suggested listening (streaming mp3, 4 minutes):

George Frideric Handel: Messiah ‘Hallelujah Chorus’

George II King of England
George II King of England by

George II King of England

Tomb of Sir Joseph and Lady Elizabeth Nightingale
Tomb of Sir Joseph and Lady Elizabeth Nightingale by

Tomb of Sir Joseph and Lady Elizabeth Nightingale

In the marvellously dramatic tomb of Lady Elizabeth Nightingale (1761), she is shown being attacked with a spear by Death (a hideous skeleton emerging from a vault), while her husband vainly tries to keep him at bay (the skeleton was carved by Roubiliac’s assistant Nicolas Read, c. 1733-87). The Nightingale monument clearly shows the influence of Bernini, whose work so impressed Roubiliac when he visited Rome in 1752.
