SERVANDONI, Giovanni Niccolò - b. 1697 Firenze, d. 1766 Paris - WGA

SERVANDONI, Giovanni Niccolò

(b. 1697 Firenze, d. 1766 Paris)

French architect, painter and stage designer. He was born either in Florence or Lyon, to an Italian mother and a French father, who was a coach driver between the two cities. He began his career as an artist c. 1715 in Rome, where he knew the vedute painter Giovanni Paolo Pannini, and he was taught drawing and perspective by the architectural engraver Giuseppe Ignazio Rossi (d. before 1739).

In Rome Servandoni first experienced the elaborate theatre productions and festival architecture that became popular in the 18th century and upon which his own fame was later based. By 1724 Servandoni was in Paris, where he became a director of stage design at the Opéra, and in 1728 he became the principal painter and designer to the Académie Royale de Musique. Servandoni’s scene painting used angled perspective techniques, in which the vanishing-point is placed to one side of the stage. This technique, which dramatizes the illusion of space, was introduced by the Galli-Bibiena family at the imperial court in Vienna.

In 1729 he contributed, along with Pannini, to the festival decorations celebrating the birth of the dauphin, and in 1731 he was admitted to the Académie Royale de Peinture et Sculpture in his capacity as a painter of ancient ruins. He had modelled his technique in this genre on that of Pannini, and he was successful both in meeting the growing Parisian demand for the type and in winning academic acceptance for it. In doing so, he helped create a taste for the work of such artists as Hubert Robert and for the picturesque mock ruins of Romantic landscapes.

Although his early career had not provided the conventional preparation for major architectural accomplishment, in 1732 Servandoni nevertheless entered and won the competition for the west front of the church of Saint-Sulpice, Paris. His project went through several changes, however, the main block of the façade was executed under his supervision between 1733 and 1745, with continuous superimposed Doric and Ionic porticos and no pediment, and must therefore reflect his intentions. This one project was sufficient to earn Servandoni the title of Architecte du Roi, but he did not gain much subsequent royal employment. In Paris only the Hôtel Servandoni (1754-7) survives, his first building on the square that he designed in front of Saint-Sulpice. A few projects survive elsewhere: high altars for the charterhouse of Saint-Bruno in Lyon (designed 1738; executed with alterations by Jacques-Germain Soufflot, 1742-45) and Sens Cathedral (1739-42), and a parish church (1742) at Coulanges-la-Vineuse in Burgundy. He competed for the Place Louis XV in 1748, with a design proposing a vast colonnaded and arcaded hippodrome for public spectacles.

Servandoni’s skills in theatre and festival decoration were eventually in demand throughout Europe, at the courts in Lisbon (1743), London (1749; for the celebration of the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle in St James’s Park), Dresden (1754), Brussels (1759), Vienna (1760; to celebrate the marriage of the Archduke Joseph, later Emperor Joseph II; reg 1765-90) and Stuttgart (1762).

With a personality as extravagant and volatile as his firework displays, Servandoni was constantly in debt. Despite his success in a century devoted to his form of entertainments, he died impoverished shortly after his exhibition in the Paris Salon of 1766. His son Jean-Adrien-Claude Servandoni (b. 1736) was also a stage designer; however, none of his work is known.

Exterior view
Exterior view by

Exterior view

The parish church of Saint-Sulpice was a basilica in the medieval tradition with side aisles, transept and ambulatory, housed in a classical structure. It was built by Daniel Gittard (1625-1686) from plans by Charles Gamard from 1646 on. Gittard completed the sanctuary, ambulatory, apsidal chapels, transept, and north portal (1670-78), after which construction was halted for lack of funds.

In 1732 Servandoni entered and won the competition for the west front of the church of Saint-Sulpice. Surprising, given his sensational approach to stage-craft, was the restrained classicism exhibited by the fa�ade. Starting from the designs left by his predecessor, Gilles-Marie Oppenord, Servandoni’s project went through several changes, and the towers were modified after 1749 by Oudot de Maclaurin (active c. 1745–1750) and Jean-Fran�ois-Th�rese Chalgrin. However, the main block of the fa�ade was executed under his supervision between 1733 and 1745, with continuous superimposed Doric and Ionic porticos and no pediment, and must therefore reflect his intentions. The fa�ade of St Sulpice was considered by such contemporary critics as Jacques-Fran�ois Blondel to have finally restored the noble traditions of Greek architecture, an early example of the Neo-classical assault on Rococo taste. With no exact precedents, the fa�ade indeed has more to do with antique Roman architecture than with its closest counterpart, Wren’s west fa�ade of St Paul’s Cathedral (completed 1709), London, and it is to his Roman experiences that Servandoni’s inspiration for Saint-Sulpice should be traced.

View Servandini’s plan of the west fa�ade.

Furthermore, view the the partially executed design (1751) by Servandoni for the principal (west) fa�ade of Saint-Sulpice, with a balustrade replacing the pediment. (The towers were erected later under the supervision of Oudot de Maclaurin.)

The engravings are from Jacques-Fran�ois Blondel, Architecture fran�oise (1752).

The photo shows the current west fa�ade of the church.

Exterior view
Exterior view by

Exterior view

The parish church of Saint-Sulpice was a basilica in the medieval tradition with side aisles, transept and ambulatory, housed in a classical structure. It was built by Daniel Gittard (1625-1686) from plans by Charles Gamard from 1646 on. Gittard completed the sanctuary, ambulatory, apsidal chapels, transept, and north portal (1670-78), after which construction was halted for lack of funds.

The west fa�ade was constructed in the eighteenth century after a competition held in 1732. The design was inspired by the entrance elevation of Christopher Wren’s Saint Paul’s Cathedral in London.

View Servandini’s plan of the west fa�ade.

Furthermore, view the the partially executed design (1751) by Servandoni for the principal (west) fa�ade of Saint-Sulpice, with a balustrade replacing the pediment. (The towers were erected later under the supervision of Oudot de Maclaurin.)

The engravings are from Jacques-Fran�ois Blondel, Architecture fran�oise (1752).

The photo shows the west fa�ade of the church.
