BENONI, Giuseppe - b. 1618 Trento, d. 1684 Venezia - WGA

BENONI, Giuseppe

(b. 1618 Trento, d. 1684 Venezia)

Italian architect and engineer. He worked on a number of engineering problems for the Venetian Republic. From 1657 until his death he oversaw the works in the lagoon of Venice. He executed the cartographic survey of the lagoon and designed a navigable canal from Udine to the sea.

In 1675, he introduced, along with Baldassare Longhena, Andrea Cominelli and Giuseppe Sardi, the design for the construction of the façade of the Dogana da Mar (maritime customs house). Having been chosen his design, the construction began in 1677 and ended in 1682.

Dogana da Mar: Façade
Dogana da Mar: Façade by

Dogana da Mar: Façade

While work proceeded on Santa Maria della Salute, the whole complex around it on the south side of the Grand Canal was rebuilt to complete a vast, theatrical Baroque development of the district of Dorsoduro. Longhena submitted a design, but the commission went to Giuseppe Benoni. The rebuilding works of the Dogana da Mar, undertaken by Giuseppe Benoni, begin in 1677.

Benoni erected the white tower shown here; at the top an allegorical statue of Fortune, carried out by Bernardo Falcone, keeps its precarious footing on a shining golden globe said to be visible to ships far out in the lagoon.

The exterior of the Dogana da Mar was refaced in 1835, making it look considerably duller.

Dogana da Mar: View
Dogana da Mar: View by

Dogana da Mar: View

The Dogana da Mar is at the point of confluence of the Giudecca Canal and the Grand Canal. On the mole, merchant ships used to unload cargoes for customs inspection. The building underwent various renovations over the course of the centuries until finally, in 1677, a design by Giuseppe Benoni was used to build the square tower of Istrian stone. On top of its roof was placed a bronze group composed of two atlantes who support a gilded sphere on which balances the allegorical figure of Fortune.

Dogana da Mar: View
Dogana da Mar: View by

Dogana da Mar: View

The Dogana da Mar is at the point of confluence of the Giudecca Canal and the Grand Canal. On the mole, merchant ships used to unload cargoes for customs inspection. The building underwent various renovations over the course of the centuries until finally, in 1677, a design by Giuseppe Benoni was used to build the square tower of Istrian stone. On top of its roof was placed a bronze group composed of two atlantes who support a gilded sphere on which balances the allegorical figure of Fortune.
