Exterior view - BERRECCI, Bartolomeo - WGA
Exterior view by BERRECCI, Bartolomeo
Exterior view by BERRECCI, Bartolomeo

Exterior view

by BERRECCI, Bartolomeo, Photo

The current Gothic Wawel Cathedral (Basilica of Sts Stanislaus and Wenceslaus) is the third edifice on this site: the first was constructed and destroyed in the 11th century; the second one, constructed in the 12th century, was destroyed by a fire in 1305. The construction of the current one began in the 14th century on the orders of bishop Nanker. The Cathedral comprises a nave with aisles, transepts with aisles, a choir with double aisles, and an apse with ambulatory and radiating chapels.

The Wawel Cathedral has been the main burial site for Polish monarchs since the 14th century. As such, it has been significantly extended and altered over time as individual rulers have added multiple burial chapels.

The mortuary chapel (1517-33) for King Sigismund I was attached to the Wawel Cathedral after the design of Berrecci. It represents one of the richest examples of the Italian Renaissance style in central Europe. Square in plan, each wall is divided by elaborately carved pilasters into a wide central bay for the tombs or altar, flanked by narrower bays with statue niches. Above, a coffered, semicircular dome rests on a drum with great circular windows.

View the section and ground plan of the Sigismund Chapel.

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