BONANNO DA PISA - b. ~1170 Pisa, d. 0 ? - WGA


(b. ~1170 Pisa, d. 0 ?)

He made the bronze doors of Pisa Cathedral in 1179 but they were destroyed in 1595. The side door of the Cathedral (Porta di S. Ranieri) is attributed to him, as it is identical in style with the bronze doors of Monreale Cathedral, signed by him and dated 1185 (New Style). The other bronze doors at Monreale are by Barisanus.

Bronze doors (detail)
Bronze doors (detail) by

Bronze doors (detail)

The picture shows a panel of the bronze doors in the Cathedral of Pisa. Bonanno da Pisa (Bonannus of Pisa), architect and sculptor, created the doors of Pisa Cathedral after having worked on the bell-tower in about 1173. These doors have many points in common with those at Monreale, which are almost certainly the work of Bonanno. Twenty-four panels trace the lives of Jesus and of the Virgin. The scene of the Nativity, set in a cave in accordance with Byzantine tradition, is skillfully composed and achieves real monumentality. Influences from antique and Byzantine sculpture are mixed with realism in the rendering of the shepherds.

Bronze doors (detail)
Bronze doors (detail) by

Bronze doors (detail)

Bonanno was an Italian sculptor and architect. He made the bronze doors of the cathedrals of Monreale and Pisa. (In Pisa only one door survived, the others were destroyed in 1595.) The “Leaning Tower” of Pisa was begun under his direction.

The picture shows a detail of the side portal of Pisa Cathedral, facing the campanile. It depicts The Magi. The figurative art of Bonanno reveals classical and Byzantine influences as well as the influence of contemporary Rhenish bronzes.

Bronze doors (detail)
Bronze doors (detail) by

Bronze doors (detail)

We know the names of many of the medieval master bronze-founders. The celebrated Bonanno da Pisa was the founder of the bronze doors of the Duomo at Pisa and those of the main entrance of Monreale cathedral. There is still the problem of how the tasks were distributed between sculptor and founder, unless they were one and the same person.
