BOUDARD, Jean-Baptiste - b. 1710 Paris, d. 1768 Parma - WGA

BOUDARD, Jean-Baptiste

(b. 1710 Paris, d. 1768 Parma)

French sculptor, active in Italy. He won the Prix de Rome in 1732 but left for the Académie de France in Rome at his own expense, arriving c. 1733. There he executed, among other works, a model in wax of the royal arms for the façade of the Palazzo Mancini, home of the Académie de France, and a marble copy of the Spinario (untraced). He also contributed to the sculptural decoration of S Giovanni in Laterano (Lateran Basilica). In 1741 he was in Naples and in Venice, where he may have modelled the powerful bust of Father Lodolli (terracotta, 1744; St Petersburg, Hermitage).

After a period in Lyon he went to Parma where he settled successfully at the highly Frenchified court of Parma. In Parma, he held the post of professor of sculpture at the local academy.

Bust of Abbé Frugoni
Bust of Abbé Frugoni by

Bust of Abbé Frugoni

Boudard settled in Parma, where for the city and court he produced some decorative work and several busts. Among the less grand but vivid of these is the terracotta of the Abb� Frugoni, a bust worthy of Lemoyne in its frank, fleshy, and unidealized characterization, suggestive of an abb� more spirited than spiritual.
