BULLET, Pierre - b. 1639 , d. 1716 Paris - WGA

BULLET, Pierre

(b. 1639 , d. 1716 Paris)

French architect and city planner. He was the son of a Parisian master builder, Martin Bullet (active 1608, d. after 1639), and rapidly made his reputation as an architectural draughtsman, producing a plan of Paris for the city council (1665; Archives Nationales, Paris). In 1672 he was admitted to the Académie Royale d’Architecture, where he became a disciple of the director François Blondel (1628-1686). He was appointed as a draughtsman to the Académie in 1673, with a full fellowship in 1685. In 1672 Bullet completed the triumphal arch of the Porte Saint-Denis, designed by François Blondel, on the new, tree-lined boulevard with which Louis XIV replaced the former rampart, and two years later he built the Porte Saint-Martin to his own design.

Bullet’s experience with Blondel also led to a commission from the city council for a new map of Paris (1676, reprinted in 1700 and 1707), showing the improvements decided upon by the king. He also collaborated actively on municipal works in Paris, such as the first Saint-Michel fountain in 1684 and the Quai Pelletier and Quai de Gesvres, a daring overhanging construction above the River Seine. His contribution to religious architecture was also significant. In 1675 he designed the main altar in the church of the Sorbonne and the altars in the transept chapels of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, and in 1676 he submitted a project for Les Invalides in collaboration with Jules Hardouin-Mansart. He worked for various religious orders, including, in 1681, the Ursulines of Bourges and the Visitandines of Chaillot; he also worked on the reformed Jacobins’ noviciate in the Faubourg Saint-Germain in 1682-83 and, from 1712 to 1720, on the priory of Saint-Martin-des-Champs.

Bullet’s reputation, however, is based mainly on the building of châteaux and town houses, especially the design of their façades. One of his first commissions was for the palace (1681) in Bourges for Archbishop Phélypeaux de La Vrilliere, only one wing of which was completed. He also produced plans for the archepiscopal palace in Cambrai, but his major work was the Château d’Issy (destroyed 1870) at Portes de Paris (Hauts-de-Seine). In 1686 Bullet built an isolated house of almost square plan for Denis Talon, the Assistant Public Prosecutor at Châtelet. Among his surviving Parisian town houses are those of Le Peletier de Souzy (29 Rue de Sévigné, 1686-87); Amelot de Chaillou (78 Rue des Archives, 1702); and Vouvray (57 Rue Cuvier, 1708).

Bullet also played a major role, with Jules Hardouin-Mansart, in the development of the Place Vendôme. In 1699 he suggested a plan for the transformation of the square (around which he had bought several plots of land), and many buyers entrusted him with the task of building their town houses behind the uniform façades. Bullet was forced to modify the traditional arrangement of apartments that he had used in the Le Peletier and Amelot de Chaillou residences in order to give the rooms an attractive outlook over the square and, at the same time, to provide these residences with all the conveniences of an independent hôtel arranged around one or two courtyards. Thus, at the Hôtel d’Évreux (no. 19) the coachman’s passage, situated in one of the cut-off corners of the building, leads to a rectangular court with a semicircular end, beyond which stands the corps de logis between court and garden. Bullet’s plans show the changing axes of the apartments skillfully articulated within circular or oval halls.

Bullet was interested in all technical problems affecting the work of architects and engineers. His Architecture pratique was used by builders for over a century as a convenient handbook containing descriptions and appraisals of architectural works and incorporating elementary primers on geometry and public law. Although Blondel remained a lasting influence, Bullet’s remaining works and numerous drawings, collected by Carl Harleman, reveal his borrowings from Vitruvius and his debts to Vignola and, particularly, Palladio. The buildings of his contemporaries Bernini, Louis Le Vau, François Mansart and Jules Hardouin-Mansart also influenced him but left scope for the personal expression that created his characteristic style, a blend of restraint and austerity. His use of columns was restricted to a few projecting parts of his façades, while the rhythm was obtained by using arcades on the ground floor, rows of pilasters, and even more by the noble simplicity of the channeled stonework. Decoration was applied to the large triangular pediments surmounting the usual three-part frontal sections of the building and to the circular medallions applied to the façades (as at the Hôtel Amelot). His majestic internal staircases, for example at the Hôtel Amelot and Hôtel Le Peletier (where, as a surprising novelty the banister is in cast iron), rank with those of François Mansart, Jules Hardouin-Mansart and Robert de Cotte.

Exterior view
Exterior view by

Exterior view

The H�tel Amelot de Chaillou is at 78 rue des Archives in Paris, built by Pierre Bullet for the master of queries Jacques Amelot de Chaillou. It was sold in 1720, and was then severely degraded by commercial exploitation which followed until 1978 when the restoration began. Some parts of the building, such as the portal on the street, the internal staircase, and the front garden are registered as historical monument.

The photo shows the portal on the street with the old woodwork of the door.

Exterior view
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Exterior view

During the 1680s Bullet was responsible for a number of designs for private houses which show him to be a supporter of the classical tradition of the previous generation, and little affected by the innovations of Hardouin-Mansart at Versailles. In the very first years of the eighteenth century, however, he built two houses of great novelty. The rich financier Crozat the Elder bought two of the sites at the corner of the Place Vend�me and commissioned Bullet to construct on them houses for himself (finished 1702) and for his son-in-law, the Comte d’�vreux (1707).

The irregulatory of the site of the H�tel d’�vreux, of which the street frontage consists only of four out of five bays of the cut-off corner of the Place Vend�me, has provoked a brilliant solution, including a diagonal approach to the courtyard, through a circular porte-coch�re. Bulllet has managed to form a symmetrically disposed court, rounded at one end and closed by a portico at the other. The H�tel Crozat presented a more regular site, but Bullet has been no less clever in using it. The most remarkable feature of this plan, however, is the great variety in the shapes of the rooms. On the first floor the gallery, and antechamber, and the front bedroom all have rounded ends; the Cabinet is equipped with a niche-shaped protuberance which allows access from two doors; and the vestibule, squeezed between two spiral staircases, has the shape of a T, with an oval dome at the crossing of the two axes.

The photo shows the fa�ade of the H�tel Crozat.

View the plan of the first floor in small or enlarged form.

Exterior view
Exterior view by

Exterior view

During the 1680s Bullet was responsible for a number of designs for private houses which show him to be a supporter of the classical tradition of the previous generation, and little affected by the innovations of Hardouin-Mansart at Versailles. In the very first years of the eighteenth century, however, he built two houses of great novelty. The rich financier Crozat the Elder bought two of the sites at the corner of the Place Vend�me and commissioned Bullet to construct on them houses for himself (finished 1702) and for his son-in-law, the Comte d’�vreux (1707).

The irregulatory of the site of the H�tel d’�vreux, of which the street frontage consists only of four out of five bays of the cut-off corner of the Place Vend�me, has provoked a brilliant solution, including a diagonal approach to the courtyard, through a circular porte-coch�re. Bulllet has managed to form a symmetrically disposed court, rounded at one end and closed by a portico at the other.

The photo shows the frontage of the H�tel d’�vreux.

View the plan of the ground floor in small or enlarged form.

General view
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General view

Bullet was a pupil of Fran�ois Blondel and began his career by carrying out some of his designs such as the Porte Saint-Denis (1671). As a result of this work he was himself commissioned to build another gate, the Porte Saint-Martin for the city of Paris. It was built at the order of Louis XIV in honour of his victories on the Rhine and in Franche-Comt�. Built in 1674, it replaced a medieval gate in the city walls built by Charles V.

The Porte Saint-Martin is a heavily rusticated triumphal arch, 18 meters high, built in limestone and marble. Recesses are occupied by bas-reliefs. The gate was restored in 1988.

The photo shows the Porte Saint-Martin viewed from the rue Saint-Martin.

Hôtel Crozat: plan of first floor
Hôtel Crozat: plan of first floor by

Hôtel Crozat: plan of first floor

The most remarkable feature of this plan is the great variety in the shapes of the rooms. On the first floor the gallery, and antechamber, and the front bedroom all have rounded ends; the Cabinet is equipped with a niche-shaped protuberance which allows access from two doors; and the vestibule, squeezed between two spiral staircases, has the shape of a T, with an oval dome at the crossing of the two axes.

The engraving is from Architecture Fran�aise by Pierre Jean Mariette (1694-1774).

Hôtel d'Évreux: plan of ground floor
Hôtel d'Évreux: plan of ground floor by

Hôtel d'Évreux: plan of ground floor

The irregulatory of the site of the H�tel d’�vreux, of which the street frontage consists only of four out of five bays of the cut-off corner of the Place Vend�me, has provoked a brilliant solution, including a diagonal approach to the courtyard, through a circular porte-coch�re. Bulllet has managed to form a symmetrically disposed court, rounded at one end and closed by a portico at the other.

The engraving is from Architecture Fran�aise by Pierre Jean Mariette (1694-1774).

Interior view
Interior view by

Interior view

During the 1680s Bullet was responsible for a number of designs for private houses which show him to be a supporter of the classical tradition of the previous generation, and little affected by the innovations of Hardouin-Mansart at Versailles. In the very first years of the eighteenth century, however, he built two houses of great novelty. The rich financier Crozat the Elder bought two of the sites at the corner of the Place Vend�me and commissioned Bullet to construct on them houses for himself (finished 1702) and for his son-in-law, the Come d’�vreux (1707).

The irregulatory of the site of the H�tel d’�vreux, of which the street frontage consists only of four out of five bays of the cut-off corner of the Place Vend�me, has provoked a brilliant solution, including a diagonal approach to the courtyard, through a circular porte-coch�re. Bulllet has managed to form a symmetrically disposed court, rounded at one end and closed by a portico at the other.

The photo shows the courtyard of the H�tel d’�vreux. The ground floor of the court elevation is simple and even monumental, and the first storey is decorated with an elegant motif of a medallion supported by laurels which is taken from Fran�ois Mansart’s fa�ade of the Carnavalet.

View the plan of the ground floor in small or enlarged form.
