CALAME, Alexandre - b. 1810 Vevey, d. 1864 Menton - WGA

CALAME, Alexandre

(b. 1810 Vevey, d. 1864 Menton)

Swiss painter, draughtsman and printmaker. He studied under François Diday in Geneva and then travelled to Paris (1837), to the Netherlands and Düsseldorf (1838), to Italy (1844) and to London (1850). Despite his frail health he spent each summer painting in the mountains of the Bernese Oberland and central Switzerland, where he produced the drawings and studies from nature that were later used in his studio compositions. A fervent Calvinist, he saw his subjects - the grandiose forces of nature, stormy summits and torrents as well as calm lakes - as expressions of Divine power. He enjoyed success during his lifetime, partly due to a firm adherence to a conventional landscape painting tradition. A year after Calame’s arrival in Paris, the artist exhibited a Vue prise dans la Vallée d’Ansasca, effet du soir, in the Paris Salon of 1841. That painting was purchased by King Louis-Philippe and according to Calame’s memoirs hung in, “…le salon précédant la Salle du Trône aux Tuileries”. That painting, however, now hangs in the Assemblée National, Paris.

Among his best-known pictures are Storm at Handeck (1839; Geneva, Museum of Art and History), Sunlight on the Upper Alps of the Valais, Opposite the Range of Mont-Rose (1843-44; Neuchâtel, Museum of Art and History), Ruins of the Temples of Paestum (1847; Leipzig, Museum der Bildenden Künste) and Lake of the Four Cantons (1855; Riggisberg, Abegg-Stiftung). Calame also left a large number of prints, notably lithographs, and a quantity of drawings (Geneva, Museum of Art and History and elsewhere).

An Oaktree Trunk
An Oaktree Trunk by

An Oaktree Trunk

Calame spent most summers in Switzerland where he created studies for his mountainous and wooded landscapes, of which the present work is a typical example.

Landscape with Oaks
Landscape with Oaks by

Landscape with Oaks

Nineteenth-century Europeans were enthusiastic travelers who discovered for themselves the history and culture of the world. Yet they also devoted much attention to the countryside of their native lands. Freed from allegory and the goal of producing an integral image of the cosmos, the landscape took on a regional-studies function. Swiss artist Alexandre Calame, whose oeuvre is bound up with the Alps, is one representative of this tendency.

Mountainous Landscape with a Torrent
Mountainous Landscape with a Torrent by

Mountainous Landscape with a Torrent

The title ‘Monte Moro, Val d’Ansasca’ is given to the painting by family tradition. In fact Calame visited Ansasca during the 1840s and painted several views of the surroundings.

Mountainous Riverscape
Mountainous Riverscape by

Mountainous Riverscape

Trees at the Bank
Trees at the Bank by

Trees at the Bank

Calame went to Italy in 1844 and brought back from Rome and Naples countless paintings. He showed that he was capable of understanding Italian nature; but the Alps remained his speciality.
