Exterior view - CANEVALE, Isidore - WGA
Exterior view by CANEVALE, Isidore
Exterior view by CANEVALE, Isidore

Exterior view

by CANEVALE, Isidore, Photo

In Canevale’s design for the fa�ade of the cathedral in V�c architectural elements are set against a windowless wall. The fa�ade was planned as the focus of a square which was to be framed by colonnades in the manner of St. Peter’s in Rome. The side fa�ades of the church are indeed noticeably small and show a marked resemblance to the church of Sant’Anderea in Mantua by Leon Battista Alberti.

In the interior, too, Canevale continued the �Baroque tradition magnificently represented by Franz Anton Maulbertsch’s monumental ceiling fresco.

The cathedral in V�c served as a model for other Hungarian churches, such as the cathedrals at Esztergom, Eger, and Szombathely, all of which eagerly sought to express a monumental Neoclassical style, though in a less consistent fashion.

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