CARLONE, Giovanni Andrea - b. 1639 Genova, d. 1697 Genova - WGA

CARLONE, Giovanni Andrea

(b. 1639 Genova, d. 1697 Genova)

Painter, part of an Italian family of artists, son of Giovanni Battista Carlone.

Taddeo Carlone and his brother Giuseppe Carlone were, like their father Giovanni Carlone, sculptors. Born in Rovio (Lombardy), they moved to Genoa c. 1560. Another member of the family was Pietro Carlone, who with his son Francesco Carlone was a bronze-caster. Taddeo’s sons Giovanni Carlone and Giovanni Battista Carlone became painters, probably working together in Genoa and Milan and perhaps in Rome and Florence before 1630. The Carlone brothers’ sculptural heritage and their education in Rome and Florence differed from that of their Genoese contemporaries who had studied under Giovanni Battista Paggi, and together with Domenico Fiasella they stimulated a revival of fresco decoration in Genoa. Frescoes painted in the 1620s by the Carlone brothers and Fiasella and by Lazzaro Tavarone, Andrea Ansaldo and Bernardo Castello are close in composition, colour, figures and subject-matter. Giovanni Battista Carlone’s studio produced a vast quantity of brilliantly coloured frescoes, which were highly proficient and popular; these are best seen on the nave vaults of the large Genoese churches, S Ambrogio and S Siro. He relied on family members, and among his 24 children were Simon Carlone, Niccolo Carloneo and Giovanni Andrea Carlone, who assisted him and kept the studio alive until the end of the 17th century.

Giovanni Andrea Carlone was educated first by his father and then went to Rome to study under Carlo Maratti; in Rome he came into contact with Baciccio (Giovanni Battista Gaulli), with whom he shared patrons and who influenced his early decorative style. In this decade (1660s) he also worked in Perugia, painting frescoes in the church of S Filippo Neri (1662-69), with scenes from the Old Testament; he also worked in the church of Il Gesu (1666-67).
