CAVAROZZI, Bartolomeo - b. ~1590 Viterbo, d. 1625 Roma - WGA

CAVAROZZI, Bartolomeo

(b. ~1590 Viterbo, d. 1625 Roma)

Italian painter, a native of Viterbo, who settled at a relatively early age in Rome, where, he stayed with the Viterbese painter Tarquinio Ligustri, who proved instrumental in acquainting the artist with the aristocratic Crescenzi family. This introduction not only brought Cavarozzi into contact with an eminent family of patrons, but also friendship with the painter and architect Giovanni Battista Crescenzi, who had trained in the studio of Pomarancio and who would later, in 1617-19, take Cavarozzi to Spain. Cavarozzi moved into the Crescenzi palace near the Pantheon and his close connection with this family led to his being nicknamed “Bartolomeo del Crescenzi”.

The earlier of only two securely datable paintings is his St Ursula and Her Companions of 1608, originally painted for the eponymous Roman church and now in the Basilica di San Marco, Rome. It was not until the second decade of the seventeenth century that Cavarozzi became associated with the young generation of Caravaggisti in Rome. He has been identified as the author of the figures in collaborative compositions with the Master of the Acquavella Still-life. Consecrated in 1622, his Visitation for the chapel in the Palazzo Comunale in Viterbo renders details such as the wrinkled skin on St Elizabeth’s neck with particular sensitivity.

Throughout his life he painted religious subjects, particularly favouring images of the Madonna and Child, of which a number of variants exist. The tenderness of these solidly modeled mothers with their wriggling babies is reminiscent of those of Orazio Gentileschi, to whom Cavarozzi’s work has sometimes been misattributed.

Aminta's Lament
Aminta's Lament by

Aminta's Lament

The musical score shown to the spectator by the two young men reproduces pages 16 and 17 of Aminta Musicale, a musical adaptation by Erasmo Marotta (1578-1641) of Torquato Tasso’s famous pastoral poem.

This painting is derived from Caravaggesque models. The figures were painted by Cavarozzi, while the still-life is attributed to the Master of the Acquavella Still-Life (active in Rome in the 1610s).

Holy Family with the Young St John the Baptist
Holy Family with the Young St John the Baptist by

Holy Family with the Young St John the Baptist

Before giving it to the Caravaggio follower Bartolomeo Cavarozzi in the 1940s, the painting was attributed to Giudo Reni or Orazio Gentileschi.

Sacrifice of Isaac
Sacrifice of Isaac by

Sacrifice of Isaac

This painting was probably painted around 1617 by Bartolomeo Cavarozzi, one of Caravaggio’s most successful and accomplished followers. Although it was catalogued and exhibited in the Barbara Piasecka Johnson Collection as the work of Caravaggio, in 2014 it was sold by the Collection with the attribution to Cavarozzi.

St Ursula and Her Companions with Pope Ciriacus and St Catherine of Alexandria
St Ursula and Her Companions with Pope Ciriacus and St Catherine of Alexandria by

St Ursula and Her Companions with Pope Ciriacus and St Catherine of Alexandria

Bartolomeo Cavarozzi’s altarpiece, dated 1608, was commissioned by the Confraternità delle Sante Orsola e Caterina. That same year the confraternity had begun holding services at its newly renovated church, Sant’Orsola a Ripetta, near the Piazza del Popolo. Shortly after 1661, the society moved to San Nicola de’ Funari a Tor de’ Specchi, which, following building work, was reconsecrated to SS. Ursula and Catherine of Alexandria. Until the mid-eighteenth century, Cavarozzi’s painting probably hung not over the high altar, but above the altar at the left. The entire neighbourhood, including the church, was destroyed between 1928 and 1936 and at that time the painting was transferred to the sacristy of San Marco.

Like Pomarancio’s St Domitilla with SS. Nereus and Achilleus (Chiesa dei Santi Nereo e Achilleo, Rome), Cavarozzi based his work on Raphael’s St Cecilia altarpiece in Bologna, which he probably knew from an engraving. This is especially apparent in the figure of St Catherine of Alexandria, who raises one leg and holds her hand to her breast as she gazes upwards at the triangle containing the all-seeing eye of God. Pope Ciriacus, too, looks heavenwards. Behind St Ursula are a number of her one thousand followers. In contrast to Pomarancio’s St Domitilla, Cavarozzi’s St Ursula looks towards the viewer with an outstretched arm, presenting the Banner of the Cross.

The hand with the banner is modelled on the work of Michelangelo and has its roots in his Creation of Adam in the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo himself used the gesture again in his Risen Christ in Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome. The gesture is not only a call to imitate Christ and take up the cross, but also implies that only by doing so can one attain eternal life. Caravaggio, too, cited this gesture in his Calling of St Matthew in San Luigi dei Francesi. With outstretched hand and bent forefinger, Christ beckons Matthew to follow him. St Ursula’s gesture has the same implication: only those willing to champion the cause of Christ and take up the Banner of the Cross in his defence can hope for salvation. Once again, Cavarozzi created a highly functional painting by adopting well-known gestures and poses, which helped viewers - in this case the members of the confraternity - to understand its meaning easily.
