COURTOIS, Martial - b. 0 ?, d. ~1592 Limoges - WGA


(b. 0 ?, d. ~1592 Limoges)

French enameller, active in Limoges. No biographical data are known about him.

Apollo and the Muses
Apollo and the Muses by

Apollo and the Muses

Martial Courtois was an enameller in Limoges.

The design is copied from an engraving of a design by Luca Penni, itself deriving from the painting by Raphael in the Vatican.

Apollo and the Muses (underside)
Apollo and the Muses (underside) by

Apollo and the Muses (underside)

The Woman of the Apocalypse
The Woman of the Apocalypse by

The Woman of the Apocalypse

The scene on the dish is a vision of the future, from the Book of Revelation in the Bible. The evil prostitute of Babylon sits drunkenly on a horned beast with seven heads. She offers a cup towards kneeling men, who represent the rulers of the world, including a king, a pope and a cardinal. The blue tunic of the man in the foreground is a restoration.
