CROSS, Henri-Edmond - b. 1856 Douai, d. 1910 Saint-Clair - WGA

CROSS, Henri-Edmond

(b. 1856 Douai, d. 1910 Saint-Clair)

French painter and printmaker. Born Henri-Edmond-Joseph Delacroix, the only surviving child of Alcide Delacroix, a French adventurer and failed businessman, and the British-born Fanny Woollett, he changed his name in 1881, shortening and Anglicizing his birth name to Henri Cross. Later, in 1886, he adopted the name Henri-Edmond Cross.

He was encouraged as a youth to develop his artistic talent by his father’s cousin, Dr Auguste Soins. He enrolled in 1878 at the Ecoles Académiques de Dessin et d’Architecture in Lille, where he remained for three years under the guidance of Alphonse Colas (1818-87). He then moved to Paris and studied with Emile Dupont-Zipcy (1822-65), also from Douai, whom he listed as his teacher when exhibiting at Salons of the early 1880s. His few extant works from this period are Realist portraits and still-lifes, painted with a heavy touch and sombre palette.

Cross’s career took a decisive turn in 1891, when he adopted the Neo-Impressionist technique and showed at the Indépendants exhibition his first large work in this style, the portrait of Mme H. F. (now titled portrait of Mme Cross; Paris, Musée d’Orsay). Also in this year, he moved to the south of France, staying first at Cabasson and then settling in Saint-Clair, a small hamlet near St Tropez where Signac also took up residence in 1892. Cross lived in Saint-Clair for the rest of his life, travelling twice to Italy (1903 and 1908) and annually to Paris for the Indépendants shows.

In the early and mid-1890s, as he developed the Neo-Impressionist method, Cross concentrated on seascapes and scenes of peasants at work. The Beach of Baigne-Cul (1891-92; Chicago, Art Institute) is characteristic of his highly regular technique: over a densely painted ground he placed small and relatively round touches in rows, more or less equally spaced, and mixed colours with white to express the bleaching action of sunlight.

Cross is most acclaimed as a master of Neo-Impressionism, and he played an important role in shaping the second phase of that movement. He was very influential to Henri Matisse and many other artists, and his work was an instrumental influence in the development of Fauvism.

Afternoon at Pardigon
Afternoon at Pardigon by

Afternoon at Pardigon

This landscape painting has a very much more representational and colourful quality than the Iles d’Or. For Cross it is an important picture because he created a companion-piece for it, showing approximately the same section but extended by one figure and with its theme as the evening sun instead of the midday light. There is a distinct three-dimensional gradation leading from the pine on the hill to the group of trees situated further back and over the sea to the chain of hills. The dissolving of a southern landscape into intensive dabs of colour reveals here the close relationship between Neo-Impressionism and Fauvism, in whose emergence this painting played an important part.

Beach on the Mediterranean
Beach on the Mediterranean by

Beach on the Mediterranean

Cypresses at Cagnes
Cypresses at Cagnes by

Cypresses at Cagnes

Evening Air
Evening Air by
The Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli near Assisi
The Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli near Assisi by

The Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli near Assisi

Pointillism rapidly evolved beyond the narrow boundaries of optical experimentation. As early as 1886 Seurat had demonstrated its decorative possibilities in A Sunday Afternoon on the Ile de la Grande Jatte. Growing larger, the “atoms” of colour became conducive not to illusions but to the revelation of the material structure of painting based upon the juxtaposition of flat patches, as seen in the mosaic-like surface of the present work by Cross.

The Clearing
The Clearing by
The Golden Isles (Les Iles d'Or)
The Golden Isles (Les Iles d'Or) by

The Golden Isles (Les Iles d'Or)

The landscapes of Cross are abstract constructions or visions of Eden. The truthfulness of the moment mattered less than an intellectual construction resulting in a consciously sought balance.

Undergrowth by