DELCOUR, Jean - b. 1631 Hamoir, d. 1707 Liège - WGA


(b. 1631 Hamoir, d. 1707 Liège)

Jean Delcour (or Del Cour), Flemish sculptor. At the age of 15 he became a sculpture pupil in Liège of the Carthusian monk Robert Arnold Henrard (c. 1616-1676) who after living for a while in Rome, had introduced a style in Liège based on the classicism of François Duquesnoy. Henrard may have encouraged his pupil to go to Rome himself, to improve his skills. In the 1650s Delcour spent several years in Rome, where he was influenced by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. He was back working in Liège by 1663, and would go on working there until his death, building up a lasting reputation as a gifted sculptor. He set up a workshop and sculpted wood, marble, and ivory for the wealthy leaders of the Prince-Bishopric of Liège.

Delcour’s master work is the Tomb of Bishop Eugenius-Albertus d’Allamont. It forms part of the monumental assemblage of episcopal tombs in the choir of Ghent Cathedral, deliberately and organically linked to the high altar in their layout, which had been started by Jérôme Duquesnoy the Younger in 1651-54 with his Tomb of Bishop Triest.

An altar from Delcour’s hand in Cararra marble is now in the Virga Jesse Basilica in Hasselt that was originally commissioned for Herkenrode Abbey by the abbess there, Anna Catharina de Lamboy.

Dead Christ
Dead Christ by

Dead Christ

In Delcour’s later work the influence of Bernini is even stronger than before, as is demonstrated by the Dead Christ which Delcour made in 1696 for the tomb of the burgomaster of Li�ge, Walter de Liverloo.

Hubert of Liège
Hubert of Liège by

Hubert of Liège

Saint Hubertus or Hubert of Li�ge (c. 656 -727) became Bishop of Li�ge in 708 AD. He is the patron saint of hunters, mathematicians, opticians, and metalworkers.

St James the Greater
St James the Greater by

St James the Greater

Delcour’s closest approach to the particular quality of Bernini’s sculpture is found in his larger than life-size figures of saints for the piers of the Church of St Jacques in Liege, which he made between 1682 and 1696. Particularly his St James the Greater stands out for the open nature of its sculpture, the emotionality of its facial expression and gestures, the loose, pictorial fall of its folds and the flickering play of shadows as the light falls on. With his grand gesture of submission the apostle is clearly a reminder of Bernini’s Longinus.

St James the Less
St James the Less by

St James the Less

St John the Baptist
St John the Baptist by

St John the Baptist

Tomb of Bishop Eugenius-Albertus d'Allamont
Tomb of Bishop Eugenius-Albertus d'Allamont by

Tomb of Bishop Eugenius-Albertus d'Allamont

Delcour’s master work is the Tomb of Bishop Eugenius-Albertus d’Allamont. It forms part of the monumental assemblage of episcopal tombs in the choir of Ghent Cathedral, deliberately and organically linked to the high altar in their layout, which had been started by J�r�me Duquesnoy the Younger in 1651-54 with his Tomb of Bishop Triest. Like Triest’s tomb, Delcour’s monument has three elements, with the bishop kneeling on his tomb between an archangel and the Virgin Mary. Unlike Duquesnoy, he has brought the three figures into a lively and dramatic composition for which Bernini’s emotional characterization clearly laid down the guidelines. Individual details and motifs show that Bernini had left his stamp on Delcour’s style. For example, the skeleton holding a scroll appearing before the kneeling bishop is a striking reminder of the similar motif on the tomb of Urban VIII in St Peter’s.

Tomb of Bishop Eugenius-Albertus d'Allamont
Tomb of Bishop Eugenius-Albertus d'Allamont by

Tomb of Bishop Eugenius-Albertus d'Allamont

Delcour’s master work is the Tomb of Bishop Eugenius-Albertus d’Allamont. It forms part of the monumental assemblage of episcopal tombs in the choir of Ghent Cathedral, deliberately and organically linked to the high altar in their layout, which had been started by J�r�me Duquesnoy the Younger in 1651-54 with his Tomb of Bishop Triest. Like Triest’s tomb, Delcour’s monument has three elements, with the bishop kneeling on his tomb between an archangel and the Virgin Mary. Unlike Duquesnoy, he has brought the three figures into a lively and dramatic composition for which Bernini’s emotional characterization clearly laid down the guidelines. Individual details and motifs show that Bernini had left his stamp on Delcour’s style. For example, the skeleton holding a scroll appearing before the kneeling bishop is a striking reminder of the similar motif on the tomb of Urban VIII in St Peter’s.

Tomb of Bishop Eugenius-Albertus d'Allamont
Tomb of Bishop Eugenius-Albertus d'Allamont by

Tomb of Bishop Eugenius-Albertus d'Allamont

Delcour’s master work is the Tomb of Bishop Eugenius-Albertus d’Allamont. It forms part of the monumental assemblage of episcopal tombs in the choir of Ghent Cathedral, deliberately and organically linked to the high altar in their layout, which had been started by J�r�me Duquesnoy the Younger in 1651-54 with his Tomb of Bishop Triest. Like Triest’s tomb, Delcour’s monument has three elements, with the bishop kneeling on his tomb between an archangel and the Virgin Mary. Unlike Duquesnoy, he has brought the three figures into a lively and dramatic composition for which Bernini’s emotional characterization clearly laid down the guidelines. Individual details and motifs show that Bernini had left his stamp on Delcour’s style. For example, the skeleton holding a scroll appearing before the kneeling bishop is a striking reminder of the similar motif on the tomb of Urban VIII in St Peter’s.
