ENGEBRECHTSZ., Cornelis - b. ~1462 Leiden, d. 1527 Leiden - WGA


(b. ~1462 Leiden, d. 1527 Leiden)

Netherlandish painter, the leading artist of his day. He is thought to have trained in Brussels and seems to have returned home through Antwerp. Although his style shows the influence of the Italianate tendencies prevalent of Antwerp, Engebrechtsz.’s work has a deeper intensity of feeling that is Gothic rather than Mannerist in spirit. Contorted linear rhythms and resonant colouring characterize his highly personal art, which is closer to the Master of the Virgo inter Virginis than to any Antwerp artist. The altarpieces of the Crucifixion and The Lamentation in the Municipal Museum, Leiden, are typical of his works. Lucas van Leyden was his greatest pupil and tends to overshadow his achievements. The other pupils in his large studio included his three sons, Pieter, Cornelis, and Lucas, as well as Lucas van Leyden’s brother, Aertgen.

Character Studies and Nude Figures (recto)
Character Studies and Nude Figures (recto) by

Character Studies and Nude Figures (recto)

Cornelisz. Engebrechts remained true to the traditions of the second half of the fifteenth century and to the Late Gothic masters. The present sheet, one of only two drawings known by the master, shows a study of drapery on the verso. It was once part of a sketchbook.

Christ Taking Leave of his Mother
Christ Taking Leave of his Mother by

Christ Taking Leave of his Mother

Cornelis Engebrechtsz. headed a large painters’ workshop in the first decades of the 16th century, and trained Lucas van Leyden, Aertgen van Leyden and his own three sons, Pieter Cornelisz, Cornelis Cornelisz and Lucas Cornelisz. He and his pupils and assistants produced altarpieces and numerous smaller works for private devotion. One of his chief patrons was the Augustinian nunnery of Mariënpoel just north of Leiden. Among the works he made for the convent church were altarpieces with the Lamentation (c. 1508) and the Crucifixion (c. 1517), which were described by Karel van Mander in 1604 and are now in Leiden’s Museum de Lakenhal.

The Amsterdam painting undoubtedly comes from an altarpiece illustrating episodes from the life of the Virgin. It was recognised as Engelbrechtsz.’s work in 1904, and shortly afterwards the Rijksmuseum was able to acquire a second, less well-preserved panel from the same altarpiece: Christ in the House of Martha and Mary.

The events depicted in the two panels are not found in the Bible but in the popular late-medieval Meditationes vitae Christi. Both scenes precede the Arrest of Christ. In the conversation with his mother and Mary Magdalen, Christ refused to abandon his planned visit to Jerusalem during the Jewish Passover, and foretold his impending death.

The second panel shows Christ taking leave of his mother, immediately before he and his disciples set off for Jerusalem. Movingly he embraces the kneeling Virgin amidst the sorrowful Marys and the apostles. Some of the disciples are descending into the valley on the right, with the city gate and walls of Jerusalem in the distance.

The attribution of the panels to Engelbrechtsz., based partly on the correspondences in style, colouring and manner of execution with the Crucifixion triptych in Leiden, was recently confirmed by an examination of the two underdrawings using infrared reflectography.

This painting is a fine example of the artist’s more mature work. The poses and gestures in the figure group highlight the emotional nature of the leave-taking. The landscape and city in the background are painted in a surprisingly lively way. The steely, blue-white shapes of the mountains and rock formations contrast with the warm, bright colouring of the figures in the foreground. The attention paid to ornamental details, which was relatively slight by the standards of the day, and the broad manner of painting, which fades to the sketchy in the background, are typical of the work of Engelbrechtsz. and of the Leiden painters he trained.

Christ in the House of Martha and Mary
Christ in the House of Martha and Mary by

Christ in the House of Martha and Mary

This panel - together with another panel, Christ Taking Leave of his Mother - comes from an altarpiece illustrating episodes from the life of the Virgin.

Crucifixion Altarpiece
Crucifixion Altarpiece by

Crucifixion Altarpiece

This altarpiece, like the Lamentation Altarpiece, was painted for the Augustinian convent of Mariënpoel in Oestgeest near Leiden. The handsome shrine has a tall, saddle-backed central panel which is filled with numerous figures in an effortless fashion. The Mannerist style is evident throughout.

Lamentation Altarpiece
Lamentation Altarpiece by

Lamentation Altarpiece

This triptych - the central panel of which depicts the Lamentation over Christ - was commissioned by the convent Mariënpoel of the Augustine sisters. The side panels represent the donors.

Suggested listening (streaming mp3, 22 minutes):

Heinrich Sch�tz: Die sieben Worte am Kreuz SWV 478

St Cecilia and her Fiancé
St Cecilia and her Fiancé by

St Cecilia and her Fiancé

The tondo was the favourite form of Engebrechtsz., he painted several paintings of this form, They were usually hung in bedrooms, and their subjects refer to marital relation. St Cecilia was a popular saint in the Low Countries, she converted her fianc� Valerius to Christian faith. The costumes and the individual faces of the saints suggest that they represent the portraits of the unknown commissioners.

Study of Drapery (verso)
Study of Drapery (verso) by

Study of Drapery (verso)

The Lamentation
The Lamentation by

The Lamentation

This painting is notable for its elegance.

Virgin and Child with St Anne
Virgin and Child with St Anne by

Virgin and Child with St Anne

This circular panel shows a theme especially popular in the North at the time. The ringed format echoes the theme of Christ as Saviour of the world, who is seen here blessing the apple held in St Anne’s hand, yet another rounded object. It refers to the redemption required after eating that first apple.
