ERRI, Bartolomeo degli - b. ~1440 Modena, d. ~1479 Modena - WGA

ERRI, Bartolomeo degli

(b. ~1440 Modena, d. ~1479 Modena)

Italian painter. Bartolomeo degli Erri, and his brothers Bartolomeo Bonascia and Agnolo are considered key figures of the Quattrocento period in Modena. It has proved impossible to distinguish the hand of each in individual works, most of which were commissioned from them and probably executed in collaboration.

There are panels from three dismembered altarpieces executed by them between 1466-1474 for the church of San Domenico in Modena. Bartolomeo also has works in various museums worldwide, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, the Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, and the Galleria Estense, Modena.

Agnolo and Bartholomew contributed to the spread of Renaissance in the Po Valley, acting in Modena simultaneously with Francesco del Cossa in Ferrara and Marco Zoppo in Bologna.
