FIORAVANTI, Aristotele - b. ~1417 Bologna, d. ~1485 Moscow - WGA

FIORAVANTI, Aristotele

(b. ~1417 Bologna, d. ~1485 Moscow)

Italian engineer and architect, active also in Russia, also known as Aristotile da Bologna. The son of a local mason, Fieravante di Ridolfo (c. 1390-1430), Aristotele initially worked as a goldsmith. He secured notoriety as an engineer in 1455 first for transporting the campanile known as the Torre della Mangione (destroyed 1825) of Santa Maria del Tempio, Bologna, to a new site 18 m away, then for straightening the leaning campanile (destroyed 18th century) of San Biagio, Cento, and finally for straightening the leaning campanile of Sant’Angelo, Venice, which collapsed directly afterwards.

In 1458 he moved with his family from Bologna to Milan, where he entered the service of Francesco I Sforza, Duke of Milan. After being sent to Mantua in 1459 to straighten another tower, he worked for the Duke as a hydraulic engineer, repairing a canal near Parma (from 1459) and constructing others near Cremona (from 1460) as well as one (from 1462) from the River Crostolo (between Parma and Reggio Emilia). He also worked as a military engineer inspecting fortifications, in which capacity he is mentioned in Filarete’s Trattato di architettura (1461-64).

Fioravanti returned to Bologna in 1464, and in the following year he was appointed the city architect and engineer. In 1467 he was invited by Matthias Corvinus to Hungary to prepare defences against the Turks, and he is reputed to have built a bridge over the Danube. In 1471 he visited Rome in order to transport the Vatican obelisk to the square in front of Old St Peter’s, a task abandoned almost immediately at Pope Paul II’s death. (The project was eventually undertaken by Domenico Fontana in 1586.)

Fioravanti returned to Bologna, where he was almost certainly involved in the design of the new façade of the Palazzo del Podestá. A model is said to have been prepared in 1472, but execution was delayed until 1484-94 and conducted by Francesco Fucci di Dozza (active 1478-1494) and Marsilio Infrangipani (active 1469-1517).

In 1475 Fioravanti left his family in Bologna and moved to Moscow, where in 1475-79 he rebuilt the cathedral of the Dormition (Uspensky) in the Kremlin for Ivan III. The cathedral was intended for major state ceremonies, including the coronation of the tsar. It had already been substantially reconstructed (from 1472) by local builders when in 1474 it was partly destroyed in an earthquake. Fioravanti began work afresh by replacing the previous foundations with new and much deeper ones, and he made every effort to ensure the building’s structural stability, using specially hardened lightweight bricks and iron tie-rods for the vaults.

According to some accounts, he was thrown into prison by Ivan III when he asked to return to Italy, and died in captivity. According to other accounts, he participated as a military engineer and artillery commander in the campaigns against Novgorod (1477-78), Kazan (1482) and Tver (1485).

Exterior view
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Exterior view

Fioravanti designed the new fa�ade of the Gothic Palazzo del Podestà. He prepared a model in 1472, but the execution was delayed until 1484-94.

The fa�ade, one of the most innovative and overtly all’antica designs of the 15th century, faces San Petronio and dominates Bologna’s main square. It is organized as two storeys: a massive ground storey arcade rusticated with faceted masonry (each block embellished with a rosette) and articulated with Corinthian half columns, and an upper storey set back to allow for a balcony arranged with round-arched windows and ornamental Corinthian pilasters. The immediate model for the fa�ade, which recalls such imperial prototypes as the Colosseum, was undoubtedly the Benediction Loggia (early 1460s; destroyed) in front of Old St Peter’s, Rome, which was still under construction when Fioravanti was called to Rome in 1471.

Exterior view
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Exterior view

Fioravanti designed the new fa�ade of the Gothic Palazzo del Podestà. He prepared a model in 1472, but the execution was delayed until 1484-94.

The fa�ade, one of the most innovative and overtly all’antica designs of the 15th century, faces San Petronio and dominates Bologna’s main square. It is organized as two storeys: a massive ground storey arcade rusticated with faceted masonry (each block embellished with a rosette) and articulated with Corinthian half columns, and an upper storey set back to allow for a balcony arranged with round-arched windows and ornamental Corinthian pilasters. The immediate model for the fa�ade, which recalls such imperial prototypes as the Colosseum, was undoubtedly the Benediction Loggia (early 1460s; destroyed) in front of Old St Peter’s, Rome, which was still under construction when Fioravanti was called to Rome in 1471.

Exterior view
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Exterior view

In 1475 Fioravanti moved to Moscow, where in 1475-79 he rebuilt the cathedral of the Dormition (Uspensky) in the Kremlin for Ivan III. The cathedral was intended for major state ceremonies, including the coronation of the tsar. It had already been substantially reconstructed (from 1472) by local builders when in 1474 it was partly destroyed in an earthquake.

Fioravanti began work afresh by replacing the previous foundations with new and much deeper ones, and he made every effort to ensure the building’s structural stability, using specially hardened lightweight bricks and iron tie-rods for the vaults. The layout of the building was dictated by Russian tradition and was required to be modelled in particular on the cathedral of the Dormition (rebuilt 1185-89) in Vladimir. It is organized as a four-bay nave and aisles, with groin vaults and a typical five-domed arrangement at the east end, which terminates in a row of chapels. The main innovations of the tall interior are in the omission of galleries in order to give an airy and uncluttered effect, in the uniformity of bay size in both nave and aisles and in the use at the west end of four cylindrical piers resembling columns, which were once capped with Corinthian capitals (defaced 17th century).

The building’s most conspicuous elevation, that facing south, was given an imposing but severe stone-faced fa�ade divided into four equal arched bays by tall pilasters rising through a traditional band of blind arcades with ornamental colonnettes.

The photo shows the south fa�ade, viewed from Cathedral Square.

View the ground plan of Cathedral of the Dormition, Kremlin.

Interior view
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Interior view

In 1475 Fioravanti moved to Moscow, where in 1475-79 he rebuilt the cathedral of the Dormition (Uspensky) in the Kremlin for Ivan III. The cathedral was intended for major state ceremonies, including the coronation of the tsar. It had already been substantially reconstructed (from 1472) by local builders when in 1474 it was partly destroyed in an earthquake.

The layout of the building was dictated by Russian tradition and was required to be modelled in particular on the cathedral of the Dormition (rebuilt 1185-89) in Vladimir. It is organized as a four-bay nave and aisles, with groin vaults and a typical five-domed arrangement at the east end, which terminates in a row of chapels. The main innovations of the tall interior are in the omission of galleries in order to give an airy and uncluttered effect, in the uniformity of bay size in both nave and aisles and in the use at the west end of four cylindrical piers resembling columns, which were once capped with Corinthian capitals (defaced 17th century).

View the ground plan of Cathedral of the Dormition, Kremlin.

Interior view
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Interior view

In 1475 Fioravanti moved to Moscow, where in 1475-79 he rebuilt the cathedral of the Dormition (Uspensky) in the Kremlin for Ivan III. The cathedral was intended for major state ceremonies, including the coronation of the tsar. It had already been substantially reconstructed (from 1472) by local builders when in 1474 it was partly destroyed in an earthquake.

The layout of the building was dictated by Russian tradition and was required to be modelled in particular on the cathedral of the Dormition (rebuilt 1185-89) in Vladimir. It is organized as a four-bay nave and aisles, with groin vaults and a typical five-domed arrangement at the east end, which terminates in a row of chapels. The main innovations of the tall interior are in the omission of galleries in order to give an airy and uncluttered effect, in the uniformity of bay size in both nave and aisles and in the use at the west end of four cylindrical piers resembling columns, which were once capped with Corinthian capitals (defaced 17th century).
