FRANCESCO DE' FRANCESCHI - b. ~1420 ?, d. ~1468 Venezia - WGA


(b. ~1420 ?, d. ~1468 Venezia)

Italian painter. His most important known work is the 12-part polyptych of St Peter (1447; Padua, Museo Civico), formerly in S Pietro, Padua. The largest panel, St Peter Enthroned, shows the saint in full papal regalia. In smaller flanking panels are standing figures of St Christopher, St Paul and St John the Baptist, as well as the Archangel Michael, depicted trampling the demon. In yet smaller panels, perhaps originally placed above, are half-length figures of St Francis, St Mary Magdalene, St Clare (?Scholastica) and St Prosdocimo (?Benedict). The top panel, a Crucifixion, is flanked by the two narrowest panels, both of an Angel Praying. The polyptych was long attributed to Antonio Vivarini and Bartolomeo Vivarini, or Michele Giambono, but in 1904 Moschetti proved that it was painted by Francesco, whose name once appeared on its frame.
