GANO DI FAZIO - b. ~1275 , d. ~1318 Siena - WGA


(b. ~1275 , d. ~1318 Siena)

Italian sculptor. He was one of the founders of the Sienese school of sculpture in the 14th century. The first documentary reference to him is on 23 May 1302, when he purchased land in Siena; in the same year, on 18 June, he paid tax on this purchase. His only certain work is the signed tomb monument (Casole d’Elsa, Collegiate Church) of Tommaso d’Andrea, Bishop of Pistoia. It was probably executed in 1303-04 and is the earliest existing example of a complete Sienese funerary monument. Facing it, and possibly executed by Gano not long after, is the wall-tomb of Porrina, Lord of Casole and Radi di Montagna (d 1313). The portrait of Porrina is remarkable for its realism, and the tomb is unique among Tuscan sculpture of this period in that it presents a full-length standing figure beneath a Gothic canopy.

Several documents dated between 1311 and 1313 record Gano as a tax-payer in Siena, and in 1316 he was mentioned in a document as an owner of land valued at 283 Sienese lire. Although no further works are documented, a number of attributions have been made on stylistic grounds. These include the tomb of St Margaret of Cortona (Cortona, S Margherita), together with two further works in Cortona: a marble statue of the Virgin and Child (Cortona, Museo Diocesano), from the façade of S Margherita, and a series of small marble relief busts of Saints and Christ Blessing (Cortona, S Margherita), discovered in an 18th-century pedestal of a statue of St Margaret. A marble slab carved with narrative reliefs of three scenes from the Life of Beato Gioacchino Piccolomini (c. 1308-11; ex-S Maria dei Servi, Siena; Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale) has been attributed to Gano, as have some of the busts at the tops of columns and pilasters in the windows of Siena Cathedral. Also attributed to him are the full-length standing statues of the Virgin and Child with SS Imerio and Omobono (Cremona Cathedral). Eleven statuettes of Prophets and Saints (Massa Marittima Cathedral) have been added to Gano’s oeuvre and placed in the last years of his activity. The sculptor died before 1318, as in that year his children Agnese and Ganuccia are described as ‘heredes Gani magistri lapidum’.

Angel by


This relief was produced in the workshop of Gano di Fazio.

Tomb of Bishop Tommaso d'Andrea (detail)
Tomb of Bishop Tommaso d'Andrea (detail) by

Tomb of Bishop Tommaso d'Andrea (detail)

Tommaso d’Andrea was the Bishop of Pistoia who died 30 July 1303. His tomb monument in the Collegiate Church, Casole d’Elsa, is the signed work by Gano di Fazio. It is inscribed on the border of the sarcophagus: CELAVIT GANVS OPVS HOC INSIGNE SENENSIS—LAVDIBVS IMMENSIS EST SVA DIGNA MANVS.

Tomb of Ranieri del Porrina
Tomb of Ranieri del Porrina by

Tomb of Ranieri del Porrina

Gano di Fazio’s only certain work is the signed monument to Tommaso d’Andrea, Bishop of Pistoia. The breadth of treatment and the portrait quality of the recumbent figure in this wall-tomb in the Collegiata at Casole d’Elsa had led to his being credited with a far more impressive monument. This is the near-by upright, fully Gothic wall-tomb in which the equally portly figure of Ranieri del Porrina stands hatted and cloaked and book in hand. The vivid characterization of the pensive, yet half-smiling, plump-faced Podesta, with its suggestion of sensitivity as well as sensuality, is a milestone in the art of portraiture. It has the immediacy of a life-mask and is a unique prefiguration of late-fourteenth-century northern and mid-fifteenth-century Italian portraiture.

Virgin with Child
Virgin with Child by

Virgin with Child

This statue had been set on the fa�ade of the Church of St Margaret in Cortona. It was removed in 1876 when the fa�ade was demolished in order to expand the church.
