MORE, Jacob - b. 1740 Edinburgh, d. 1793 Roma - WGA

MORE, Jacob

(b. 1740 Edinburgh, d. 1793 Roma)

Scottish painter, active in Italy. The son of an Edinburgh merchant, he was first apprenticed to a goldsmith and then, from 1766, to the Norie family of house-painters. In the 1760s he produced numerous sketches of the Scottish Lowlands (examples National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh), and in 1769 he designed and executed stage sets at the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh, for the first productions after the legalizing of the theatre in Scotland.

More’s Edinburgh period culminated in a series of oil paintings of the Falls of the River Clyde, three of which are in public collections: Corra Linn (National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh), Stonebyres Linn (Tate Gallery, London) and Bonnington Linn (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge). These paintings are regarded as the first serious artistic interpretations of the Scottish landscape, depictions by previous artists having been essentially topographical in character. More took a set of three of them to the Society of Artists Exhibition in London in 1771, at which he gained widespread recognition and the personal encouragement of Sir Joshua Reynolds.

He stayed in London for a couple of years, studying under Richard Wilson and (judging from his later style) working as a scene-painter.

In 1771, More travelled to Rome, where he stayed for the remainder of his life. In Rome, he lived in lodgings over the English coffee house in the Piazza di Spagna, until 1787, and later nearby in the Strada Rosella, attaining a high reputation as one of the most outstanding landscape artists of his generation, surpassing that of any other British painter then working in Italy. The esteem in which he was held was reflected in his unanimous election to the Accademia di San Luca in Rome in 1781 and with the rare accolade of having his self-portrait accepted for the Gallery of Artist’s portraits in the Uffizi in 1784, two of the most prestigious artistic awards available in Italy.

Aside from his work as an artist More also acted for some ten years as agent and art dealer in Rome for the 4th Earl of Bristol, one of the most inveterate grand tourists, who was also among his most important patrons.

Rape of Deianera
Rape of Deianera by

Rape of Deianera

This painting is one of a pair of decorative landscapes in oval form. The subject is taken from Ovid (Met. 9:101-133). On a journey, Hercules and Deianira came to a river where the centaur Nessus was the ferryman. While carrying Deianira across he attempted to ravish her. Hercules, already on the further bank, drew his bow and slew Nessus.

Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Rest on the Flight into Egypt by

Rest on the Flight into Egypt

The scene from the New Testament is set in the undulating topography of the Roman Campagna, with an aqueduct and the Pyramid of Cestius beyond.

Self-Portrait by


This self-portrait was accepted by the Uffizi on May 15th, 1784. The background is a wooded landscape of Tivoli with the entry of Nepture’s cave on the right.

View of the Bay of Naples
View of the Bay of Naples by

View of the Bay of Naples

The painting shows a a view of the Bay of Naples with the figures of Narcissus and Echo in the foreground. The present painting is both topographical and neo-classically anecdotal, as in so many paintings executed at this period by More. The story depicted in the foreground is taken from Ovid (Metamorphoses III).
