NACCHERINO, Michelangelo - b. 1550 Firenze, d. 1622 Napoli - WGA

NACCHERINO, Michelangelo

(b. 1550 Firenze, d. 1622 Napoli)

Italian sculptor, born in Florence but particularly active in the Kingdom of Naples. He supposedly was a pupil of Giambologna in Florence, but due to disagreements moved to the Kingdom of Naples in 1573. From 1575-77, he was active in Palermo, where he worked alongside Camillo Camilliani (active 1574-1603) in the relocation of the Fontana Pretoria.

Neapolitan sculpture at the turn of the century was essentially Florentine Mannerist in character. Two artists, above all, were responsible for this trend: Pietro Bernini and Michelangelo Naccherino, a pupil of Giambologna, who was the strongest power in Naples for almost fifty years, from his arrival to Naples till his death. He never abandoned his intimate ties with Florentine Mannerism, but owed more to the older generation of Bandinelli, Vincenzo Danti, Vincenzo de’ Rossi, and even to Donatello than to his teacher, whom he accused of irreligiosity. In the pietistic climate of the Spanish dominion, his figures are often imbued with a wholly un-Florentine religious mood and a mystic sensibility, eloquent testimonies of the spirit of Counter-Reformation. Characteristic examples are his tombs of Fabrizio Pignatelli (1590-1609, Santa Maria dei Pellegrini), Vincenzo Carafa (1611, Santi Severino e Sosio), and Annibale Cesareo (1613, Santa Maria della Pazienza).

In the early 1600s, he participated in a variety of projects, including two monument fountains, the Fontana di Santa Lucia and the Fontana del Gigante (along with Pietro Bernini). In 1607, he submitted a design for the Cappella del Tesoro di San Gennaro, but Francesco Grimaldi won the competition.

In 1616, he returned to Florence to sculpt an Adam and Eve for the Boboli Gardens.

Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve by

Adam and Eve

Naccherino’s statues are placed in a grotto. The construction of the grotto, located in line with the entrance gateway, and the development of its surrounds were the work of Giuseppe Cacialli (1770-1828). It features a rectangular open side divided into three spaces separated by two Doric columns.

Fontana del Gigante
Fontana del Gigante by

Fontana del Gigante

The Fontana del Gigante (Fountain of the Giant) is a monumental fountain in Naples. It was designed by Michelangelo Naccherino and Pietro Bernini for the Royal Palace of Naples, where it stood near a colossal ancient statue, and thereby gained its name. From there it was moved to the site of Palace of the Immacolatella, but in 1905, it was moved to it present picturesque site, on via Partenope, near the Castel dell’Ovo. It is also called the Fontana dell’Immacolatella.

Fountain of Santa Lucia
Fountain of Santa Lucia by

Fountain of Santa Lucia

This fountain was executed with the collaboration of Tommaso Montani (documented 1594-1630 in Naples) who was probably a pupil of Naccherino.

Tomb of Fabrizio Pignatelli
Tomb of Fabrizio Pignatelli by

Tomb of Fabrizio Pignatelli

In the pietistic climate of the Spanish dominion, Naccherino’s figures are often imbued with a wholly un-Florentine religious mood and a mystic sensibility, eloquent testimonies of the spirit of Counter-Reformation. Characteristic examples are his tombs of Fabrizio Pignatelli (1590-1609, Santa Maria dei Pellegrini), Vincenzo Carafa (1611, Santi Severino e Sosio), and Annibale Cesareo (1613, Santa Maria della Pazienza). In all these tombs the deceased is represented standing or kneeling, one hand pressed against the chest in devotional fervour. Naccherino anticipated here a type of sepulchral monument that was to become of vital importance in the different atmosphere of Rome during the 1630s and 1640s.

Tomb of Fabrizio Pignatelli (detail)
Tomb of Fabrizio Pignatelli (detail) by

Tomb of Fabrizio Pignatelli (detail)

In the pietistic climate of the Spanish dominion, Naccherino’s figures are often imbued with a wholly un-Florentine religious mood and a mystic sensibility, eloquent testimonies of the spirit of Counter-Reformation. Characteristic examples are his tombs of Fabrizio Pignatelli (1590-1609, Santa Maria dei Pellegrini), Vincenzo Carafa (1611, Santi Severino e Sosio), and Annibale Cesareo (1613, Santa Maria della Pazienza). In all these tombs the deceased is represented standing or kneeling, one hand pressed against the chest in devotional fervour. Naccherino anticipated here a type of sepulchral monument that was to become of vital importance in the different atmosphere of Rome during the 1630s and 1640s.
