NYPOORT, Justus van den - b. ~1647 Utrecht, d. ~1698 Bohemia - WGA

NYPOORT, Justus van den

(b. ~1647 Utrecht, d. ~1698 Bohemia)

Dutch painter and engraver. He was a pupil of Pieter van Portengen (active 1624-1643) in 1639. He was the dean of St Marie. In 1672 he went to Slavonia with Jan van Bunnick and Andr. de Wit, and then went to Austria. He worked for a long time in Prague and in Olmütz.

Around 1683 he worked in the Jesuit printing house in Nagyszombat (Trnava, Slovakia). In 1686 a geometry textbook by Burckhard von Birkenstein, colonel of military engineers in Gyõr Castle, was published with over a hundred engravings by van den Nypoort.

The Castle of Éleskõ
The Castle of Éleskõ by

The Castle of Éleskõ

In 1686 a geometry textbook by Burckhard von Birkenstein, colonel of military engineers in Gy�r Castle, was published with over a hundred engravings by van den Nypoort. The geometric figures were decorated views of castles, palaces, and cities in Hungary, supplemented with genre scenes. The roughly one hundred sheets of small-sized genre pieces featuring a few figures, which presented the contemporary world of Hungary liberated from the Turks, were also in general portrayed in the foreground of views of castles.

The present engraving from the book of von Birkenstein shows the Castle of �lesk� (now Ostry Kamen in Slovakia).
