OVERBEKE, Adriaen van - b. ~1480 Antwerpen, d. ~1530 ? - WGA

OVERBEKE, Adriaen van

(b. ~1480 Antwerpen, d. ~1530 ?)

Flemish painter. He was registered as a painter in the Guild of St Luke, Antwerp, in 1508 and accepted two apprentices in 1522. His known activity is restricted to the production and supply of carved and polychrome wooden altarpieces with painted shutters. In Antwerp carved altarpieces seem to have been produced by painters and carvers working within one workshop, which was possible since both belonged to the same guild. Van Overbeke may have run such a workshop.

In 1509, perhaps acting as a dealer, he was paid for supplying an altarpiece (destroyed), apparently of carved wood, for the Hospice of Our Lady in Lille. The polychromy and the painted wings were subsequently supplied by other artists. He received a commission in 1513 from the parish church of Kempen in the Rhineland for the carved wooden altarpiece with scenes from the Life of St Anne that is still on the high altar. The painted wings of the altarpiece are among the earliest firmly dated paintings in the style of Antwerp Mannerism and may be attributed to Adriaen van Overbeke himself or his assistants; the carved sections were probably the work of wood-carvers employed in his workshop.

A second carved altarpiece commissioned from van Overbeke by the Brotherhood of St Joseph for the church at Kempen in 1529 is apparently not identifiable with either of the church’s remaining altarpieces. Van Overbeke served as witness in an agreement, made in 1521 between the Franciscan monks of Dortmund and carver Master Gieliszoon, concerning the transportation of the Netherlandish carved wooden altarpiece now in the Petrikirche, Dortmund.

Ecce Homo
Ecce Homo by

Ecce Homo

The central panel of this triptych depicts the Ecce Homo, a popular subject in the 15th-16th centuries. On the side panels the donors are represented in a sober, classic style, under the protection of their patron saints, John the Baptist and Alice. The latter is Alice de Schaerbeck (c. 1225-c. 1250) a Cistercian nun who became a leper (hence the cut-off hands).

The triptych was executed in the large workshop of Adriaen van Overbeke in Antwerp.

The Adoration of the Magi
The Adoration of the Magi by

The Adoration of the Magi

This panel was probably part of a painted triptych.
