PACETTI, Vincenzo - b. 1746 Castel Bolognese, d. 1820 Roma - WGA

PACETTI, Vincenzo

(b. 1746 Castel Bolognese, d. 1820 Roma)

Italian sculptor and restorer, particularly active in collecting and restoring classical sculptures such as the Barberini Faun (1799, Glyptothek, Munich), the Hope Dionysus (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York) and the Athena of Velletri (1797, Musée du Louvre, Paris) and selling them to rich collectors as finished artefacts. He was the brother of Camillo Pacetti, also sculptor.

He also produced many reliefs and stucci on mythological themes for the Sala degli Imperatori (of which The Goat Amanthea and Perseus Freeing Andromeda are most notable) and the room housing Bernini’s Aeneas and Anchises, both at the Galleria Borghese, Rome. His other works in Rome are in San Salvatore in Lauro, Santo Spirito in Sassia, and the Palazzo Carpegna.

Apollo by


Pacetti’s four marble reliefs representing the deities related to Homer’s Iliad, Jupiter, Apollo, Mars, and Venus, form part of the decoration of the room of Helen and Paris (Stanza di Elena e Paride) in the Villa Borghese (which houses the Galleria Borghese). The decorative program of the room contains unusual episodes connected with the Iliad.

The figures on the reliefs are accompanied by their attributes: armor for mars, eagle and lightning bolt for Jupiter, tripod and lyre for Apollo, and Cupid for Venus.

Jupiter by


Pacetti’s four marble reliefs representing the deities related to Homer’s Iliad, Jupiter, Apollo, Mars, and Venus, form part of the decoration of the room of Helen and Paris (Stanza di Elena e Paride) in the Villa Borghese (which houses the Galleria Borghese). The decorative program of the room contains unusual episodes connected with the Iliad.

The figures on the reliefs are accompanied by their attributes: armor for Mars, eagle and lightning bolt for Jupiter, tripod and lyre for Apollo, and Cupid for Venus.

Theseus Contemplating the Dead Sow Phaea
Theseus Contemplating the Dead Sow Phaea by

Theseus Contemplating the Dead Sow Phaea
