Exterior view - PALLADIO, Andrea - WGA
Exterior view by PALLADIO, Andrea
Exterior view by PALLADIO, Andrea

Exterior view

by PALLADIO, Andrea, Photo

Located at a hill with a beautiful view, this villa was created by Palladio for the Vicenzan nobleman Girolamo Godi. It is the first villa designed by Palladio. It consists of a massive main body, with the middle portion of the fa�ade set back considerably to make room for a monumental staircase that leads to a loggia with three arches. This fa�ade does not yet have what will become the typical Palladian canon - a colonnade surmounted by a tympanum.

The interior was decorated with frescoes by Gualtiero Padovano, Battista Zelotti and Battista del Moro.

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