Aerial view - PALLADIO, Andrea - WGA
Aerial view by PALLADIO, Andrea
Aerial view by PALLADIO, Andrea

Aerial view

by PALLADIO, Andrea, Photo

The Villa Cornaro was commissioned from Palladio by Giorgio Cornaro, a Venetian nobleman. The construction began in 1553, and in the following year the Cornaro family began living in the central portion, although the wings and the second story of the loggia had not yet been built. These were added later, during different periods, one beginning in 1569, and the other in 1588, the latter under the direction of Vincenzo Scamozzi.

The structure of the building’s main section, with its elegant, projecting double pronaos of Ionic and Corinthian columns, has a distinctive appearance, more like a city palazzo than a country residence.

View the ground plan and fa�ade of Villa Cornaro, Piombino Dese.

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