QUARENGHI, Giacomo - b. 1744 Rota d'Imagna, d. 1817 St. Petersburg - WGA


(b. 1744 Rota d'Imagna, d. 1817 St. Petersburg)

Italian architect and interior designer, active in Russia. He is best known as the builder of numerous works in Russia during and immediately after the reign of Catherine II the Great. He was named “Grand Architect of all the Russias.”

The son of a painter, Quarenghi studied painting first in Bergamo and then in Rome, where he was taught by Anton Raphael Mengs and Stefano Pozzi. Vincenzo Brenna introduced Quarenghi to architecture, he studied architecture (1767-69) with Paolo Posi, Antoine Deriset and the latter’s pupil Niccolò Giansimoni (d. 1800). His contacts with enlightened artistic circles in Rome, with their enthusiasm for antiquity and the ideals of Neo-classicism, were important and bore fruit in his later work. A period in Venice (1771-2), where he was studying the works of Palladio, brought him into contact with members of the British community there, through whom he secured a few English commissions, such as the altar (1772-74) in the Roman Catholic private chapel of Henry Arundell at Wardour Castle, Wilts. Quarenghi later visited the south of France (1778-79) and was much interested in the work of Charles de Wailly and Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, which confirmed his commitment to Neo-classicism. His first major commission (1771-77) was the internal reconstruction of the monastery of S Scholastica at Subiaco; various minor works followed.

In 1779 Baron Friedrich Grimm secured Quarenghi’s invitation to Russia by the empress Catherine II. Among his first important commissions were the English Palace at Peterhof (1781-89; now at Petrodvorets), since destroyed, and the Hermitage Theatre (begun 1782). These were the first buildings in Russia in the Palladian style. Other early constructions include the massive Bourse and the State Bank (1789-96).

His other works in St. Petersburg included St. George’s Hall in the Winter Palace (1786-95), several bridges on the Neva, and a number of academic structures, including the Academy of Sciences (1785-90), the Catherine Institute (1804-07; now the Saltykov-Shchedrin Library), and the Smolny Institute (1806-08). At the royal residence of Tsarskoye Selo, Quarenghi designed the baths, concert hall, church, the Alexander Palace, and other structures.

Quarenghi designed simple but imposing Neo-classical buildings that have clear and precise designs. His favourite format was a plain rectangular block fronted by an elegant central portico with pillars and pediment. His buildings give the city of St. Petersburg much of its stately character.

Exterior view
Exterior view by

Exterior view

The Alexander Palace was constructed in the Imperial retreat of Tsarskoe Selo. It was commissioned by Catherine the Great for her favourite grandson, Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich, the future emperor Alexander I of Russia on the occasion of his marriage to Grand Duchess Elizaveeta Alexeevna, born Princess Luise Marie Augusta of Baden.

The Neoclassical edifice was planned by Giacomo Quarenghi and built between 1792 and 1796. It was agreed that the architect had excelled himself in creating a masterpiece. Alexander used the palace as a summer residence through the remainder of his grandmother’s and his father, Paul’s, reign. When he became emperor, however, he chose to reside in the much larger nearby Catherine Palace.

Quarenghi’s buildings in Tsarskoe Selo are frank geometrical constructions, and their exteriors display a monumental unity with sparing use of ornamentation.

Exterior view
Exterior view by

Exterior view

The Alexander Palace was constructed in the Imperial retreat of Tsarskoe Selo. It was commissioned by Catherine the Great for her favourite grandson, Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich, the future emperor Alexander I of Russia on the occasion of his marriage to Grand Duchess Elizaveeta Alexeevna, born Princess Luise Marie Augusta of Baden.

The Neoclassical edifice was planned by Giacomo Quarenghi and built between 1792 and 1796. It was agreed that the architect had excelled himself in creating a masterpiece. Alexander used the palace as a summer residence through the remainder of his grandmother’s and his father, Paul’s, reign. When he became emperor, however, he chose to reside in the much larger nearby Catherine Palace.

Interior Hall of the Hermitage Theatre
Interior Hall of the Hermitage Theatre by

Interior Hall of the Hermitage Theatre

The Hermitage Theatre, constructed on the order by Empress Catherine II, was completed by October 1785 but work on the fa�ades and interior decoration continued until 1789. In Catherine’s time, the theatre staged nearly the entire repertoire of the period - plays by Moli�re, Beaumarchais, and others. The theatre reflects Catherine II’s fascination with the culture of antiquity. The auditorium takes the form of a Greek amphitheatre with six tiers of benches. Between the columns on the wall are relief portraits of outstanding ancient dramatists.

St. George Hall (Large Throne Room)
St. George Hall (Large Throne Room) by

St. George Hall (Large Throne Room)

The main state room of the Winter Palace was created by Quarenghi for Catherine II. It was completely destroyed by fire in 1817 and rebuilt and dedicated to George, Russia’s patron saint in 1837-42.

The Raphael Loggias in the New Hermitage
The Raphael Loggias in the New Hermitage by

The Raphael Loggias in the New Hermitage

Empress Catherine II was enchanted with the Vatican frescoes, created in 1517-19 by Raphael and his pupils for Pope Leo X, which she had seen reproduced in colour prints. She wanted to commission something similar for Russia. At the empress’s request a group was organized to copy the original frescoes. The group was led by the Austrian painter Christoph Unterberger, a pupil and associate of Anton Raphael Mengs. Rather than using the technique of fresco, it was decided to reproduce the original compositions in egg tempera on canvases, which would then be mounted to the walls and ceilings of the gallery created by the architect Giacomo Quarenghi.
