RASPALL, Manuel Joaquim - b. 1877 Barcelona, d. 1937 La Garriga - WGA

RASPALL, Manuel Joaquim

(b. 1877 Barcelona, d. 1937 La Garriga)

Manuel Joaquim Raspall i Mayol, Spanish Catalan architect. He graduated from the Escuela de Arquitectura, Barcelona, in 1905 and then worked in the Vallès Oriental area, where he was municipal architect to La Garriga, Cardedeu, L’Ametlla, Granollers, Llinàs, Caldes de Montbuy and La Roca. His output was prodigious. From the start, his works were characterized by their highly decorated nature, derived from Modernisme, the Catalan interpretation of Art Nouveau, and visible in his use of vertical motifs on the finishes of façades, borders of glazed tiles, sgraffito and curved lintels.

His most important works include the renovation of the Palau Nadal (1908) in the Carrer Ancha, Barcelona, and the Torre Iris and the Casa Barbey (both 1910) in La Garriga, which are remarkable for their exuberant but elegant polychrome decoration and their spaciousness. In later works, decorative features are simplified and limited to vertical strips and brick details, a notable example being the Granja Viader (1925) in Cardedeu. Other late works, such as the Casa Mallol in the Carrer Llerona and the Casa Roselló in Carrer Ranys (both 1924) in La Garriga, or the Casa Bossy (1927) in Carrer Esperanza, Granollers, use ornamental forms inspired by Baroque decoration and some classical stylistic elements, showing the influence of Noucentisme (a Catalan cultural movement of the early 20th century).

Casa Barbey: fence (detail)
Casa Barbey: fence (detail) by

Casa Barbey: fence (detail)

The fence of the garden is remarkable.

Casa Barbey: main façade
Casa Barbey: main façade by

Casa Barbey: main façade

The Barbey house is a single-family house commissioned by Juli Barbey i Poinsard, a Catalan textile industrialist and politician. It is one of the four buildings designed by Raspall in the area now called “Raspall block”. These buildings are the Torre Iris (1910, Passeig 1), Casa Barbey (1910, Passeig 5), La Bombonera (1910, Passeig 3), and Casa Antoni Barraquer (1912, Passeig 7).

The house consists of a semi-basement, ground floor and attic, with an irregular-shaped lookout tower that rises in the northeast corner, with a gabled roof with a wrought iron fairing on the ridge. On the roof with glazed tiles of different colours, there is a chimney lined with ceramic. There is a unique central staircase with a parabola iron railing. The columns with floral capitals and the railings stand out as a decorative element.

The shaded garden with benches, a fountain, and ceramic sculptures, is an important part of this summer house. Its fence is remarkable.

The photo shows the fa�ade facing Passeig street.

Casa Barbey: porch
Casa Barbey: porch by

Casa Barbey: porch

The photo shows the porch on the north side of the house.

Casa Barbey: side façade
Casa Barbey: side façade by

Casa Barbey: side façade

The photo shows the side fa�ade with a mosaic of St George.

Casa Barbey: south façade
Casa Barbey: south façade by

Casa Barbey: south façade

The photo shows the south fa�ade with a sundial seen from the garden.

The Casa Barbey is evidence of the impressive variety of architectural activity in Catalonia around 1900.

La Granja Viader: exterior view
La Granja Viader: exterior view by

La Granja Viader: exterior view

This building is an example of Raspall later works in which the decorative features are limited to vertical strips and brick details.

Torre Iris: general view
Torre Iris: general view by

Torre Iris: general view

This building is one of the four designed by Raspall in the area now called “Raspall block”. These buildings are the Torre Iris (1910, Passeig 1), Casa Barbey (1910, Passeig 5), La Bombonera (1910, Passeig 3), and Casa Antoni Barraquer (1912, Passeig 7).

Built at the same time as the rest of the “Raspall Island”, the Iris tower shows light and immaterial appearance thanks to the chromatic treatment spread over all the fa�ades, based on white, cream and yellow tones. It follows the typology of the other holiday homes built by Raspall, with the vertical continuity reflected by the tower.

This elegant building with a stucco fa�ade was built for summer vacationers.
