RAUCHMILLER, Matthias - b. 1645 Radolfzell, d. 1686 Wien - WGA


(b. 1645 Radolfzell, d. 1686 Wien)

German sculptor, ivory carver and painter. The youngest child of a butcher, he is thought to have trained in the workshop of the Schenck family in Konstanz, where marble and ivory sculptures were made. He is first documented in Mainz in 1669, when it was alleged that he was practicing as a sculptor without having served a guild apprenticeship. His first surviving work, the tomb of Philipp Erwin von Schönborn (1669; Geisenheim, nr Bingen am Rhein, Heiligenkreuzkirche), is a wall tomb, a white marble relief framed in black by the aedicula, showing Schönborn and his wife kneeling before Christ and the Virgin. In the tomb the Schenck influence is still recognizable, and also that of the Zürn family in the strong, sometimes expressive gestures.

Rauchmiller then developed beyond his models, imparting to his figures by sculptural means a differentiated sense of movement derived from the Italian Baroque rather than producing an assembly of separate shapes and parts.

He settled in Vienna in 1675. He was a highly talented artist at the transition from early to high Baroque; and had a major influence on Austrian sculpture around 1700.

Resplendent tankard
Resplendent tankard by

Resplendent tankard

This is the most important piece of German Baroque ivory because of its artistic quality and the complexity of the iconographic content. On the walls of the tankard the frieze with figures represents the rape of the Sabine women as a violent event, despite the beautiful lines of the bodies and draperies.

Tomb of Karl von Metternich
Tomb of Karl von Metternich by

Tomb of Karl von Metternich

Before Matthias Rauchmiller went to work in the Rhineland around 1670, he went on his journeyman travels to Holland and Antwerp where he came into contact with Rubens and his circle. Shortly before he settled in Austria, he designed the tomb of Karl von Metternich in Trier in 1675. This powerfully expressive work suggests a completely new approach to memorial sculpture under the German High Baroque. The figure of the deceased reclines with his sightless eyes apparently having just read a book, in a composition which seems to enhance the sense of immediacy in the scene. The forehead is wrinkled in a frown, the hair falls casually abut the head. The veins stand out on his hands, and the pages of the book seem to have been flicked over.

Tomb of Karl von Metternich (detail)
Tomb of Karl von Metternich (detail) by

Tomb of Karl von Metternich (detail)

The figure of the deceased reclines with his sightless eyes apparently having just read a book, in a composition which seems to enhance the sense of immediacy in the scene. The forehead is wrinkled in a frown, the hair falls casually abut the head.
