REVOL, Claude-Louis-Marie - b. 1815 Lyon, d. 1872 Lyon - WGA

REVOL, Claude-Louis-Marie

(b. 1815 Lyon, d. 1872 Lyon)

French painter. A disciple of Pierre-Joseph Redouté, Revol was one of the most accomplished of the flower painters trained at the Lyon Academy. The development of the silk industry in Lyon had led directly to the establishment of a group of artists working for the Crown to provide design themes for the fabrics manufactured for the royal palaces. The foundation of the Lyon Academy solved the problem of training the artists who specialized in this genre. Although the silk industry was destroyed during the revolution, it was rebuilt by Napoleon and Josephine, the latter being the greatest patron of Redouté.

Bouquet of Flowers
Bouquet of Flowers by

Bouquet of Flowers

This painting is on a unusually large scale for a composition of this nature and was almost certainly a special commission rather than a fabric design.
