RICHTER, Johan - b. 1665 Tukholma, d. 1745 Venezia - WGA


(b. 1665 Tukholma, d. 1745 Venezia)

Johan Richter was a Swedish artist active in Venice by at least 1717 and stayed there until his death. He painted Venetian scenes of the area around St Mark’s, like Carlevaris who can be considered to be his master, however, he was more original in his paintings of the lagoon proposing views unprecedented in Venetian painting. He can be seen as the forerunner of a Venetian conception of ‘veduta’: not as a faithful reproduction of reality, but almost as an assemblage of architectural elements.

The Bacino di San Marco
The Bacino di San Marco by

The Bacino di San Marco

The painting shows the profile of Venice as it appears from the present-day Giardini when approaching the city by boat from the Lido. To the far left is the island of San Giorgio Maggiore, with the church of the same name and the complex of the Benedictine monastery. Just to the right of the island appear the Magazzini del Sal, dazzlingly illuminated, the Dogana and Santa Maria della Salute on the spit of land known as the Dorsoduro. The Campanile of San Marco looms right on the vertical axis, counterbalancing the predominant horizontals. On the right, the Riva degli Schiavoni stretches beyond the church of the Pieta.

The glassy green surface of the water with the dark bank in the foreground, the contrasting light on the various buildings and the snow-white clouds lend the painting an atmosphere all its own. The boat and the shadows in the foreground are motifs which also occur in works of late seventeenth-century Dutch painters of harbour views such as Abraham and Johannes Storck, who may have served Richter as a source of inspiration.

Typical of Richter’s work are the boats in the foreground painted horizontal to the picture plane. The present canvas occupies a special position among Richter’s identified works. He usually worked in the style of Carlevaris, whom he imitated deceptively well. However, in this picture Canaletto’s spacious views of the Lagoon were his principal source of inspiration. The remarkable colour combination — green and black — recalls Canaletto’s work of the early 1730s. Richter, who died in 1745, must have painted this view of the Bacino toward the end of his career.

Suggested listening (streaming mp3, 3 minutes):

Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: Songs without Words op. 30 No. 5 (Venetian gondola song)

The Bacino di San Marco
The Bacino di San Marco by

The Bacino di San Marco

This print, as the caption indicates, was executed by Bernhard Vogel after the painting by Johan Richter. It belongs to a series that Vogel made after views by Richter and they serve as a key to the study of Richter’s oeuvre, which has not yet received serious attention.

View of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
View of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice by

View of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice

The view depicted in this painting is of the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore built by the Veneto’s most influential architect, Andrea Palladio.

Suggested listening (streaming mp3, 4 minutes):

Giuseppe Aldrovandini: Sonata in D Major for two trumpets, strings and basso continuo

View of San Michele, Venice
View of San Michele, Venice by

View of San Michele, Venice

View of the Giudecca Canal
View of the Giudecca Canal by

View of the Giudecca Canal

The most original paintings by the Swedish artist depict the Venetian lagoons enlivened by boats. The architecture is represented down to the smallest detail. He frequently used the ‘camera obscura’ like in the case of this painting.

Suggested listening (streaming mp3, 4 minutes):

Jacques Offenbach: Les Contes d’Hoffmann, Act IV, Barcarolle

View of the Giudecca Canal (detail)
View of the Giudecca Canal (detail) by

View of the Giudecca Canal (detail)
