ROENTGEN, David - b. 1743 Herrnhaag, d. 1807 Wiesbaden - WGA


(b. 1743 Herrnhaag, d. 1807 Wiesbaden)

German cabinetmaker to Queen Marie-Antoinette of France; under his direction the family workshop at Neuwied (near Cologne), founded by his father, Abraham Roentgen, became perhaps the most-successful firm of furniture production in the 18th century.

After succeeding his father as head of the Neuwied workshop in 1772, Roentgen strove to broaden their clientele, an ambition that brought him first to Hamburg and ultimately to Paris (1774), where in 1779 he was spectacularly successful in selling his finest furniture to King Louis XVI of France for £3,300 to £4,000, an unprecedented sum for the time.

Appointed cabinetmaker to the queen, Roentgen was granted admission (1780) as maître-ébéniste (master cabinetmaker) to the trade corporation of Paris cabinetmakers, making it possible for him to keep in Paris a stock of the furniture manufactured at Neuwied. Thus he was able to compete with such great cabinetmakers as Jean-Henri Riesener and Adam Weisweiler, reputedly his former pupil at Neuwied. After his first visit to St. Petersburg, Empress Catherine II the Great bought huge quantities of his furniture; King Frederick William II of Prussia was also his client. When in 1795 the French Revolutionary armies threatened to cross the Rhine, Roentgen evacuated his establishment and moved his stock farther inland. Unfortunately, he lost everything in his Parisian salon and in his Neuwied workshop, both of which were sacked by Republican troops. He was crushed, despite his appointment as court furnisher to the king of Prussia. Although he never succeeded in starting production again, former apprentices of his whom he helped to establish in the German cities of Berlin (David Hacker) and Brunswick (Christian Härder) were successful.

Roentgen had begun his career by continuing and developing the Rococo furniture that his father had introduced. The furniture of his “French” style is characterized by curved outline, sometimes decorated with rich carvings. His “English” cabinetwork is based on elements dating from the early years of King George III and occasionally influenced by the renowned furniture manufacturer Thomas Chippendale. Both national types are frequently decorated with rich inlay of outstanding charm and elegance composed of a variety of woods, some tinted and made to form figural and floral compositions, often in the manner of chinoiserie (Chinese motifs).

Between 1775 and 1780 Roentgen abandoned his earlier styles in favour of rigid, classical forms, the effect of which is often based on contrasting mahogany with rich bronze appliqués, represented in his monumental combined secretaire and medal-cabinet of about 1785-89. His workshop indulged in mechanical devices, a characteristic flair begun by his father, that made drawers and mirrors appear and disappear by pressing on hidden releases; Peter Kinzing invented many of these gadgets and provided the workshop with clockworks.
