ROGER OF HELMARSHAUSEN - b. ~1075 ?, d. ~1125 Helmarshausen - WGA


(b. ~1075 ?, d. ~1125 Helmarshausen)

German goldsmith and metalwork artist, and also a Benedictine monk. He is first heard of in connection with Stavelot Abbey in the Meuse valley, a centre of Mosan art, and especially goldsmith’s work. He served his apprenticeship here, up to 1100; he may then have made a journey to Constantinople.

He worked between 1100 and 1107 in St. Pantaleon’s church in Cologne. At least two portable altars made by him are in the treasury of Paderborn Cathedral. In 1107 he moved to Helmarshausen Abbey, where he established a goldsmith’s workshop. In Helmarshausen he is mentioned as a respected writer and goldsmith. His workshop produced several important works in the Romanesque style, including various illuminated codices, above all the Gospels of Henry the Lion, as well as many pieces of jewellery.

Book Cover
Book Cover by

Book Cover

The picture shows the cover of an evangeliar which probably belonged to Roger of Helmarshausen. It is of silver, gilded, semi-precious stones, pearls, bone.

Portable Altar
Portable Altar by

Portable Altar

At Helmarshausen, according to a document, Roger was the creator of a portable altar dedicated to Sts Kilian and Liborius. The altar, commissioned by Heinrich of Werl, Bishop of Paderborn (reg 1084-1127), was produced about 1120. It consists of an oak box with a lid and claw feet. The outer surfaces are partly covered with silver-gilt plates decorated predominantly with niello but also with engraving and repouss� work. Gold filigree and mounted cut stones are also used. At the top, on one side, is a depiction of the Donor with an inscription and the symbols of two Evangelists and, on the other, a portrait of the patron of Paderborn Cathedral, Bishop Meinwerk (reg 1009-36), also beside Evangelists’ symbols. The background of each between the lines of script is densely filled with fine arabesques and flat, rhomboid patterns. Also depicted in niello are the Twelve Apostles on the long sides and the Virgin with Sts John and James the Less on the back panel. The front panel is the only surface of the altar with a silver embossed relief, showing Christ in Majesty in a circular filigree aureole embellished with jewels, as well as Sts Kilian and Liborius. The latter appear again on the bottom of the casket in a splendid drawing on a gilt copperplate. The Apostles on the long sides are masterfully portrayed, individually characterized by a sparse but apt use of line, seen especially in their postures and hair, with all the details executed with care.
