ROSI, Alessandro - b. 1627 Rovezzano, d. 1697 Firenze - WGA

ROSI, Alessandro

(b. 1627 Rovezzano, d. 1697 Firenze)

Italian painter who trained with Cesare Dandini and was influenced by Pietro da Cortona. Little is know of his life and his artistic personality remained confused until the publication of the only full-length study of his oeuvre in 1994. Most of his works had previously, and erroneously, been given to Sigismondo Coccopani, a figure to whom now only a few documented works can be attributed.

Rosi appears to have been well aware of the trends in Florentine painting of his day, and worked as an apprentice in the studio of Cesare and Vincenzo Dandini. Examples of his works can be found in the Palazzo Rinuccini and the Uffizi. His fresco series of Allegories in the closed loggia of Palazzo Corsini are among Rosi’s most accomplished works, and as these are fully documented works, they have greatly aided in establishing an accepted group of works for this once elusive artist.

Cesare Dandini’s influence can be seen in the musculature, drapery and lighting of Rosi’s compositions. It is the artist’s blend of bold figures and painterly finish which found him in the favour of major Florentine patrons such as the Corsini and Rinuccini, as well as Cosimo III.

Bacchanalia by


“Bacchanalia” was a popular theme in 17th-century painting. Traditionally a festival in celebration of the Greco-Roman god Bacchus (or Dionysus) the term by this time was used to describe in general any drunken gathering.

Rosi was a student of Cesare Dandini whose influence can be seen in the musculature, drapery and lighting of his composition.

Baptism of Christ
Baptism of Christ by

Baptism of Christ

Ceres by
Ecstasy of St Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi
Ecstasy of St Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi by

Ecstasy of St Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi

Ecstasy of St Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi
Ecstasy of St Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi by

Ecstasy of St Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi

Female Saint with Putto
Female Saint with Putto by

Female Saint with Putto

Hagar and the Angel
Hagar and the Angel by

Hagar and the Angel

The Guardian Angel
The Guardian Angel by

The Guardian Angel

The theme of the guardian angel was employed several times by Carlo Dolci, the leading figure in Florence of the generation preceding Rosi’s. Dolci’s influence can be felt in the use of the half-length figures, the intensity of the relationship between the angel and youth, and in the distinctive profile of the angel. Dolci’s use of these motifs are best seen in his oval Guardian Angel, in the Sz�pm�v�szeti M�zeum in Budapest.

The Judgment of Paris
The Judgment of Paris by

The Judgment of Paris

The present canvas is an early work by Rosi. Compared with his more complicated and multi figured mature pictures, compositions from his early career can be generally categorized as simpler, and with only a few essential figures.

Rosi executed another version of the present composition, of slightly larger dimensions (Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart).

The Judgment of Paris
The Judgment of Paris by

The Judgment of Paris
