ROWLANDSON, Thomas - b. ~1756 London, d. 1827 London - WGA


(b. ~1756 London, d. 1827 London)

English caricaturist, whose pre-eminence in social satire matched that of Gillray in political satire. He began as a painter, mainly of portraits, but he turned to caricature to supplement his income (he was a notorious gambler), and finding his sideline highly successful he gave his career over to it completely. His talent for exuberant and flowing line had affinities with the French Rococo of Fragonard (Rowlandson had studied in France), but his rollicking humour and delicate tonal effects were distinctively English; the marvel of his art is that there is no inconsistency between the bawdiness or boisterousness of the subject-matter and the beauty of his watercolour technique. He created an instantly recognizable gallery of social types, such as the old maid, the hackwriter and the crabbed antiquarian, and his buxom wenches have their descendants in the fat ladies of today’s saucy seaside postcards. His repertory of themes was inexhaustible and his oevre has been termed the English equivalent of Balzac’s Comédie humaine.

He was a friend of George Morland and travelled about England and also in France, Germany, and the Low Countries making rapid and brilliantly illuminating sketches of country life. In addition he produced series of illustrative drawings for publishers, notably The Comforts of Bath (1798) and the series on The Tours of Dr Syntax (1812-20). Rowlandson’s output was huge, but it was only towards the end of his career that the quality of his work suffered because of overproduction.

Although he is commonly thought of as a satirist, most of his drawings are gently humorous, and in some cases objective, records of urban and rustic life. With the exception of a small number of topographical drawings, they are characterized by an abundance of picaresque incidents, whether robust or sentimental, and have much in common with the novels of Laurence Sterne and Henry Fielding, which Rowlandson illustrated in 1808 and 1809.

A Landscape with Monks
A Landscape with Monks by

A Landscape with Monks

A Passing Flirtation
A Passing Flirtation by

A Passing Flirtation

Dinner by
Italian Picture Dealers
Italian Picture Dealers by

Italian Picture Dealers

Thomas Rowlandson was an accomplished draftsman who turned to comic illustration after he had dissipated a fortune. He was an easy-going personality. His good humour is evident throughout his work, which shows more delight in the ebullience of a generously rounded line than in character assassination.

Sculptor Shop
Sculptor Shop by
Selling a Wife
Selling a Wife by
Taking the Water
Taking the Water by

Taking the Water

The Fish Dinner
The Fish Dinner by

The Fish Dinner

Sir Joseph Banks (1743-1820) was a naturalist and patron of science. From an early age, his declared passion was natural history, and in particular, botany. He joined Captain Cook’s 1768 expedition on the Endeavour to Tahiti for astronomical observations (to observe the transit of Venus). His portrait was painted by Benjamin West.

In this satirical drawing he is shown about to tuck in to an alligator, an allusion to his zoological interests which together with botany and ethnography he did so much to promote, sometimes in opposition to more conservative members of London’s learned societies.

Travellers on the Road
Travellers on the Road by

Travellers on the Road
