ROYEN, Willem Frederik van - b. 1645 Haarlem, d. 1723 Berlin - WGA

ROYEN, Willem Frederik van

(b. 1645 Haarlem, d. 1723 Berlin)

Dutch painter, who spent most of his life in Germany. He was studying in 1661 under Arend van Ravesteyn in The Hague; he was the pupil of Melchior d’Hondecoeter who specialised in finely detailed paintings of birds of rare plumage. In 1669 he was appointed Court Painter by the Great Elector in Potsdam, and in 1689, when Frederick III renewed his appointment, he moved to Berlin where he became a founder member and later Director of the new Berlin Academy. He died in Berlin in 1723.

He specialised in bird, game and flower pieces, of which there are signed examples from 1662 to 1714; at Berlin his pictures frequently showed exotic plants from the Electoral gardens. His fruit pieces show an awareness of the work of Willem van Aelst. Like van Aelst, he occasionally signed his Christian name in its Italian form.

A Vase of Flowers
A Vase of Flowers by

A Vase of Flowers

Still-Life by


The painting shows a still-life of peaches, grapes, cherries, bee and bird. Although van Royen spent most of his life in Germany, his art is rooted in the Dutch tradition. Working in a precise academic manner, he has painstakingly observed and recorded the objects in the still-life.

Still-Life of Peaches and Grapes
Still-Life of Peaches and Grapes by

Still-Life of Peaches and Grapes

The painting is signed and dated: W.F. / van Roye / Ao 1705 / fecit.

The Carrot
The Carrot by

The Carrot

Well into the nineteenth century, Berlin was still among the most rustic of capitals, housing many farms within its confines. Berlin nurtured a most peculiar carrot which was immortalized by van Royen. Since D�rer’s day, such nature studies had been important to German art and science, and were perpetuated in this clinical rendering of freakish growth.
