SASSE, Joost van - b. ~1684 ?, d. ~1755 ? - WGA

SASSE, Joost van

(b. ~1684 ?, d. ~1755 ?)

Joost van Sasse (also Sassen) was a Dutch engraver working in Germany.

Gardens by


Towards the end of the seventeenth century, the Grosser Garten of Herrenhausen near Hannover was created in Lower Saxony. The Princess Elector Sophie of Hannover commissioned her French landscape architect Martin Charbonnier (c. 1655-1720) with the planning and realization of the scheme. There are obvious parallels here with French garden design of the period. However, Charbonnier was also inspired by Dutch models and he was able to mold Dutch features into a unified whole and thus created a style of garden which was to become characteristic of the north German plain.

The engraving shows the gardens of Schloss Herrenhausen in Hannover.
