SCHWARZ, Hans - b. 1492 Augsburg, d. ~1521 Augsburg - WGA


(b. 1492 Augsburg, d. ~1521 Augsburg)

German sculptor and medallist. He was probably a descendant of Ulrich Schwarz, a burgomaster of Augsburg, and at some time after 1506 trained as a wood-carver under Stephan Schwarz (fl. 1493-1535; possibly a relative) in Augsburg, where the dominant artistic influence was the work of Hans Burgkmair I. He then began making portrait medals of Augsburg’s leading citizens. Schwarz first sketched his subjects with clear strokes, defining their individual features, then carved a wooden model with the profile and an inscription, finally casting a medal in bronze or lead. In 1519, after only three years of experience as a medallist, Schwarz was invited to Nuremberg in Bavaria. In 1520 Schwarz was expelled from Nuremberg for unruly behavior. Thereafter he lived an itinerant existence, dying sometime after 1521.

Remarkably, Schwarz produced 149 medals and wooden models for medals in his brief career, along with about 137 bust-length portrait drawings that served as preparatory sketches for medals.

Konrad Peutinger
Konrad Peutinger by

Konrad Peutinger

Portrait medals, popular in Italy since the early fifteenth century, caught on more slowly in northern Europe. In spite of several isolated examples, the taste for medallic portraits did not blossom until the late 1510s in southern Germany. In 1517-18 Augsburg’s sculptor Hans Schwarz devised medals of local antiquarian Konrad Peutinger, artist Hans Burgkmair, banker Jacob Fugger and several nobles. Peutinger’s high relief medal emulates the ancient sculptural busts and coins that he admired. This highly personalized and dignified portrait inspired some delegates attending the 1518 imperial diet in Augsburg to order their own medals.

Portrait of Jan Gossart
Portrait of Jan Gossart by

Portrait of Jan Gossart

Jan Gossart (Mabuse) was a Flemish painter, credited by Vasari with being the first to bring from Italy to the North the art of depicting ‘historie’ and ‘poesie’ with nude figures.

The medal is inscribed IO MALBODIUS PICTOR AB IO NIGRO GERMANO AD VIVVM EXPRESSVS (I Mabuse Painter by German Schwarz represented from life).
