Deposition from the Cross (detail) - SODOMA, Il - WGA
Deposition from the Cross (detail) by SODOMA, Il
Deposition from the Cross (detail) by SODOMA, Il

Deposition from the Cross (detail)

by SODOMA, Il, Oil on panel

Regarding the altarpiece’s original impact, it is worth noting Vasari’s brief praise of it in the 1568 edition of the Lives. Although generally critical of Sodoma and his work - because of his allegedly dissolute life-style - Vasari commented that this painting was considered to be one of the best that Sodoma produced. Specifically, Vasari singled out for praise a man seen from the back but whose face is also visible in the helmet lying on the ground; with his striking parti-coloured hose, gleaming cuirass and swaggering pose he is certainly an eye-catching feature of the painting. Moreover, the tiny detail of this figure, seen from the front and as if reflected on the polished surface of the metal helmet, is unquestionably a testimony to Sodoma’s powers of visual observation.

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