SOGLIANI, Giovanni Antonio - b. 1492 Firenze, d. 1544 Firenze - WGA

SOGLIANI, Giovanni Antonio

(b. 1492 Firenze, d. 1544 Firenze)

Italian painter. He trained with Lorenzo di Credi, to whom he remained closely attached; he is recorded as an executor of Lorenzo’s will in 1531. After collaborating on works in the style of Lorenzo, from 1515 he had an independent shop and began to develop his own style. In the St Martin for Orsanmichele in Florence, for example, he complemented his master’s manner with a sfumato reflecting contemporary Florentine painting. The attribution of another work of this period, the Last Supper in the convent of S Maria di Candeli, Florence, has been disputed, but it is certainly characteristic of Sogliani. The remarkable altarpiece of the Martyrdom of St Acazio (Florence, S Lorenzo) of 1521 reflects the work of Andrea del Sarto. Vasari recorded that Sogliani was a follower of Fra Bartolommeo, and this is confirmed by the style of the monumental figures in such works as St Bridget Imposing the Rule (1522) and the Trinity with SS James, Mary Magdalene and Catherine (both Florence, Museo S Salvi), as well as the Allegory of the Immaculate Conception (Florence, Accademia) and the altarpiece of the Virgin and Child with SS Jerome and Anselm for S Maria at Ripa, near Empoli.

From 1528 Sogliani executed paintings for Pisa Cathedral (all in situ), including the Sacrifice of Abel, the Sacrifice of Cain (both 1533), and an altarpiece of the Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints (1539-41; initially commissioned from Perino del Vaga). He also completed the Virgin and Child with Saints (1536) that was left unfinished by del Sarto. In 1531, for S Maria delle Grazie, Anghiari, he executed the paintings (in situ) of Christ Washing the Feet of the Disciples and the Last Supper, a variation on del Sarto’s work in S Salvi, Florence. The Supper of St Dominic, a large fresco in the refectory of S Marco in Florence, was painted in 1536.

Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes
Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes by

Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes

Sogliani received a commission for a fresco in the large refectory of San Marco in Florence. According to Vasari, Sogliani produced a design of his own accord of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes to which the friars objected. Sogliani had neither the will nor the prestige to fight them and gave in, finally producing a more pedantic and restrained subject, entitled St Dominic and his Friars Fed by Angels.

St Dominic and his Friars Fed by Angels
St Dominic and his Friars Fed by Angels by

St Dominic and his Friars Fed by Angels

According to Vasari, the conventional style of this large fresco in the refectory of the San Marco convent was imposed by the Dominican patrons, who rejected Sogliani’s own more modern design on the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes. Finally the artist produced a more pedantic and restrained subject, entitled St Dominic and his Friars Fed by Angels, which contains added portraits and saints, as well as a Crucifixion. In comparison with the drawing it is static and disunified.

Suggested listening (streaming mp3, 4 minutes):

C�sar Franck: Panis angelicus
