SQUARCIONE, Francesco - b. 1397 Padova, d. 1468 Padova - WGA


(b. 1397 Padova, d. 1468 Padova)

Italian painter, active in Padua. He is an enigmatic figure, who is important in terms of the pupils he trained, rather than for his own work. A Paduan writer of 1560 patriotically described him as a famous and benevolent master, with many pupils (according to Vasari, he trained 137) and a large collection of antique sculpture gathered on youthful journeys through Greece and Italy. More recent research, however, gives a picture of a tailor who, turning painter in his middle thirties, was for many years discreditably involved in a series of lawsuits with pupils, who resentful of his exploitation of their talents, had broken their apprenticeships with him ( Mantegna was the most famous litigants). No traces of his collection remain, but it is likely that something of the antiquarian erudition of the university town of Padua rubbed off on the young men who spent time in his workshop.

It is impossible to assess any stylistic debt to Squarcione himself, however, as so little is known about his work. Only two works are known by him, a polyptych of 1449-52 in the Padua museum, and a signed Madonna in Berlin. His traditional role as the founder of a distinctive ‘Paduan style’ is highly questionable.

De Lazara Altarpiece
De Lazara Altarpiece by

De Lazara Altarpiece

This polyptych is one of the very few surviving work that is universally considered to be by Squarcione. In a frame designed in a sophisticated late Gothic style are four side saints conceived like coloured sculpture on marble bases, unrelated of the conception of the central image. The focus of devotion, St Jerome, is in a different scale and has a different background than the surrounding saints. Squarcione’s awareness of Flemish painting is particularly evident in the central section of the altarpiece.

Virgin and Child
Virgin and Child by

Virgin and Child

The Paduan Francesco Squarcione is best known in history and perhaps in his own time as well, as a skilled and effective teacher; his most famous pupil was Andrea Mantegna. Squarcione, who was also instrumental in having given impetus to the Ferrarese School, recognized the importance of having knowledge of the new works then being produced in Florence. In this Madonna and Child, mannered to be sure, he seems have turned to Tuscan sculpture for the motif of the full-length nude Christ Child seen with the truncated Mary. There is a near surreal flavour to his vision, as exemplified by the apple on the window sill and the huge candle holders in the landscape.
