STATI, Cristoforo - b. 1556 Bracciano, d. 1619 Roma - WGA

STATI, Cristoforo

(b. 1556 Bracciano, d. 1619 Roma)

Italian sculptor and restorer, also called Cristofano da Bracciano. He was a little-known sculptor who also worked on the restoration of marble works excavated from archaeological sites. He trained in Florence in the circle of Bartolomeo Ammanati and Giambologna. This provided a Mannerist environment in which Stati acquired a good command of his craft and a certain elegance of style.

Only a few of his works have been identified. These suggest that he was imbued with Classical culture, and wanted to recreate the artistic period that was recognized as a model of perfection: the Classicism of the age of Hadrian.

During his time in Florence, between 1604 and October 1607, he carved the fountain with Samson Stopping the Lion’s Mouth (Aranjuez, Jardín de la Isla). This formed a pair with another group, by Giambologna (Samson and a Philistine, 1565-70; London, Victoria and Albert Museum), which has been identified with a work in the gardens of Aranjuez Palace in Spain.

During the same period he carved the group of Venus and Adonis (Bracciano, Palazzo) which was presented by the artist to his native town, as is attested by an original document held in the Archivio Comunale in Bracciano.

The figure of Adonis takes its inspiration from a Roman copy of a statue of Antinous, while the Venus recalls a Classical type elaborated by Giambologna.

Orpheus by


This statue was made for Jacopo di Giovanni Corsi (died 1602). the renowned composer and patron of music. Corsi purchased a house on the Via del Parione in Florence in 1593, and here an early recital of the opera Euridice by Jacopo Peri took place under the direction of Corsi. It is the likely site for which Orpheus was originally commissioned.

Suggested listening (streaming mp3, 7 minutes):

Cristoph Willibald Gluck: Orfeo, Act I, Orpheus’ aria in G Major
