TOEPUT, Lodewijk - b. ~1550 Antwerpen, d. ~1605 Treviso - WGA

TOEPUT, Lodewijk

(b. ~1550 Antwerpen, d. ~1605 Treviso)

Lodewijk Toeput (Lodovico Pozzoserrato, Pozzo da Treviso), Flemish painter and draughtsman, active in Italy. He was apparently a pupil of Marten de Vos and went to Italy probably after 1573. In Venice he presumably joined Tintoretto’s workshop. Toeput may have witnessed the event he commemorated in his Fire in the Doge’s Palace (1577; Treviso, Museo Civico Bailo). Either before or after this commission, he made six landscape frescoes (c. 1575 or 1577-79) for the abbey of Praglia, which reveal a strong adherence to Flemish conventions. Some years later he painted three frescoes in the church of S Giustina in Padua. He was in Florence in the late 1570s and visited Rome in 1581; by February 1582 he is documented in Treviso, near Venice, where he settled.

He remained in close contact with Venetian masters, particularly through another Flemish artist active there, Pauwels Franck (1540-96), whose influence is evident in Toeput’s representation of the Four Seasons (c. 1584; private collection), of which two tondi versions exist, which are attributed to Toeput (e.g. Providence, Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art, and private collection). Around 1585 he painted a friezelike series: two canvases (in situ), each with two biblical scenes, for the chapel of the Rettori in the church of the Monte di Pieta in Treviso. These compositions were inspired by Netherlandish engravings and works by Tintoretto and Jacopo and Leandro Bassano. Probably dating from the same time is Susanna and the Elders (private collection).

One of Toeput’s favourite motifs was a formal Mannerist garden containing trellises and sculptures, which he included in Dives and Lazarus (Kassel, Schloss Wilhelmshöhe). It also appears in his versions of the Banquet in the Open Air (private collection) and in his Outdoor Concert. Only a few of Toeput’s church paintings mentioned in early literature survive in Treviso, in the churches of S Leonardo, S Maria Maggiore and S Agostino; similarly the surviving frescoes are scarce and in a poor state of preservation. Around 1590 Toeput painted six landscapes representing The Months for the Villa Chiericati-Magna, Vicenza, and in 1593 he decorated the interior of the Scuola dei Battuti in nearby Conegliano with figures of sibyls and prophets and Old Testament scenes.

Autumn Landscape under the Sign of Libra and Scorpio
Autumn Landscape under the Sign of Libra and Scorpio by

Autumn Landscape under the Sign of Libra and Scorpio

The frescoes in the room have elements of captivating originality, such as the detail of the funeral procession that winds along the street, silhouetted against the simple clarity of the autumnal landscape in the present painting.

Banquet in a Formal Palace Garden
Banquet in a Formal Palace Garden by

Banquet in a Formal Palace Garden

Toeput, who settled in Treviso in 1582, was heavily influenced by the 16th-century Venetians. However, his work always maintains a distinctive combination of Flemish and Venetian styles.

Flight into Egypt
Flight into Egypt by

Flight into Egypt

The arch pictured here in the centre of the composition is based on that beneath the calidarium in the Baths of Caracalla, Rome. The painter presumably studied the ruin on his only visit to Rome in 1581, before he settled in Treviso.

Flight into Egypt (detail)
Flight into Egypt (detail) by

Flight into Egypt (detail)

Landscape between Autumn and Winter under the Sign of Sagittarius and Capricorn
Landscape between Autumn and Winter under the Sign of Sagittarius and Capricorn by

Landscape between Autumn and Winter under the Sign of Sagittarius and Capricorn

Landscape between Spring and Summer under the Sign of Gemini and Cancer
Landscape between Spring and Summer under the Sign of Gemini and Cancer by

Landscape between Spring and Summer under the Sign of Gemini and Cancer

In this painting, the careful and meticulous description of the landscape components becomes almost calligraphic in the subtle delineation of the Italian-style garden with well-defined borders.

Miraculous Fishing
Miraculous Fishing by

Miraculous Fishing

Springtime Landscape under the Sign of Aries and Taurus
Springtime Landscape under the Sign of Aries and Taurus by

Springtime Landscape under the Sign of Aries and Taurus

Springtime Landscape under the Sign of Aries and Taurus (detail)
Springtime Landscape under the Sign of Aries and Taurus (detail) by

Springtime Landscape under the Sign of Aries and Taurus (detail)

Summer Landscape under the Sign of Leo and Virgo
Summer Landscape under the Sign of Leo and Virgo by

Summer Landscape under the Sign of Leo and Virgo

The page with a greyhound
The page with a greyhound by

The page with a greyhound

On one of the walls of the room, the vivid figure of the page and his greyhound stand out flanked by a Landscape between Autumn and Winter and a Winter Landscape. They are rendered with extreme naturalism, as expressed in the open and friendly gesture of welcome directed toward the visitor and the expansive tilt of the young man’s body.

View of a wall
View of a wall by

View of a wall

The Villa Chiericati was built in the first half of the sixteenth century for Ludovico Chiericati, a nobleman from Vicenza. It underwent numerous restorations and reworkings over time, resulting in its current architectural form, an extended structure with a simple fa�ade that is barely enlivened by a tympanum supported by four Ionic pilasters. A room on the north side, called Room of Landscapes, was decorated with six frescoes of landscape scenes, each incorporating two zodiac signs, by Lodewijk Toeput. During one of the updatings the frescoes were painted over, and it was not until the beginning of the nineteenth century, on the occasion of yet another restoration, that they were finally revealed.

The landscapes contain explicit references to the sequence of the seasons and their related zodiac signs, the marking of time that rhythmically measures the work and the days of good guardianship of the land. These are extremely naturalistic paintings, at times enlivened by the presence of slender little figures rendered with a touch of vitality.

On the wall shown in the present picture, the vivid figure of the page and his greyhound stand out flanked by a Landscape between Autumn and Winter and a Winter Landscape.

View of the Colosseum
View of the Colosseum by

View of the Colosseum

Despite having left his homeland while still very young, he remained closely linked to Netherlandish tradition and developed close cooperative ties with his Netherlandish colleagues active in Italy. He achieved a successful synthesis of Flemish and Venetian landscape art in his oeuvre.

Winter Landscape under the Sign of Aquarius and Pisces
Winter Landscape under the Sign of Aquarius and Pisces by

Winter Landscape under the Sign of Aquarius and Pisces

This painting recalls Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s famous Hunters in the Snow. In it the whiteness of the snow, the low, turbid sky, and the icy surfaces of a severe winter are offset by the colourful, minuscule figures of the skaters that lend the scene a joyful vitality.

Winter Landscape under the Sign of Aquarius and Pisces (detail)
Winter Landscape under the Sign of Aquarius and Pisces (detail) by

Winter Landscape under the Sign of Aquarius and Pisces (detail)

This painting recalls Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s famous Hunters in the Snow. In it the whiteness of the snow, the low, turbid sky, and the icy surfaces of a severe winter are offset by the colourful, minuscule figures of the skaters that lend the scene a joyful vitality.
