VECCHIA, Pietro della - b. ~1602 Venezia, d. 1678 Venezia - WGA

VECCHIA, Pietro della

(b. ~1602 Venezia, d. 1678 Venezia)

Italian painter. Until 1984 he was mentioned as Pietro Muttoni, called della Vecchia. However, this description was founded on a misunderstanding created by Lanzi, who in his Storia pittorica della Italia confused the name of the artist with the name of a collection, Muttoni, in which he had seen one of his paintings. In fact, Pietro was from the well-known Venetian family, the della Vecchia. His earliest known works, two representations of St Francis, which have survived in many versions (e.g. Modena, Galleria Estense; Rovigo, Accademia Concordi), and a Crucifixion (1633; Venice, S Lio) are so heavily influenced by Carlo Saraceni and his student and collaborator Jean Leclerc as to suggest that della Vecchia trained with them. Certain Caravaggesque elements, which remained in his work for some time to come, suggest that he spent some time in Rome after Leclerc had left Venice, in 1621 or 1622. The influence of Alessandro Varotari or Padovanino, who is described by sources as della Vecchia’s teacher, is only noticeable in dated works from 1635 onwards.

Della Vecchia probably worked in Padovanino’s studio c. 1625-26, after his trip to Rome, and from the latter he derived his great interest in 16th-century painting in Venice and the Veneto. His monumental Crucifixion (1637; Venice, Fondazione Cini), in which the composition harks back to the 16th century while the figures derive from Caravaggio, is characteristic of this phase. Around 1640 the influence of Bernardo Strozzi is apparent in his work, as in the Angel Offering a Skull to St Giustina, Who Stands between St Joseph and St John (1640; Venice, Accademia), painted for the church of S Giustina. Also in 1640 he began to design cartoons for the mosaics in S Marco, on which he worked until 1673.

Dispute among the Doctors
Dispute among the Doctors by

Dispute among the Doctors

Originally the painting was thought to represent the Four Fathers of the Church but the lack of attributes makes this difficult to sustain. Pietro della Vecchia painted a good number of figure groups such as this, with small or larger groups of men engaged in conversation or argument. Some of these were of religious themes, others philosophical or related to learning, others of chiromancers or charlatans, and others still seem to have formed parts of sets of the Four Ages of Man and thus depicted Old Age.

Pietro della Vecchia’s style was formed upon a blend of his Venetian Cinquecento heritage and his experience of Caravaggio in Rome. The faces of the disputants relate to types of character heads of old men found throughout his oeuvre.

The painting is signed in Greek letters and dated 1654 on the scroll.

Dispute among the Doctors (detail)
Dispute among the Doctors (detail) by

Dispute among the Doctors (detail)

Imaginary Self-Portrait of Titian
Imaginary Self-Portrait of Titian by

Imaginary Self-Portrait of Titian

The source of this painting could be an original self-portrait by Titian, now lost.

Man Drawing a Sword
Man Drawing a Sword by

Man Drawing a Sword

Some of Della Vecchia’s most celebrated works are his secular subjects - character heads and half-length warriors. There are several versions of the present canvas in various museums. The influence of the great Venetian masters such as Titian and Giorgione can be observed in these paintings.

Portrait of Aloysio Garzoni
Portrait of Aloysio Garzoni by

Portrait of Aloysio Garzoni

Portrait of Titian
Portrait of Titian by

Portrait of Titian

This half-length portrait of Titian was long considered to be a self-portrait. Now it is thought to be an autograph variant of Pietro della Vecchia’s Imaginary Self-Portrait of Titian in the National Gallery of Art, Washington. The source of these paintings could be an original self-portrait by Titian, now lost.

Portrait of a Man in Armour
Portrait of a Man in Armour by

Portrait of a Man in Armour

Profile of a Barbary Pirate
Profile of a Barbary Pirate by

Profile of a Barbary Pirate

The sitter in this painting has been traditionally identified as Barbarossa, bey of Algiers. The Barbarossa brothers, Aruj and Khair-ed-din, were Barbary pirates who led a fleet against the Spanish navy to recapture the Barbary Coast. This canvas likely depicts the younger brother, Khair-ed-din.

The Three Graces
The Three Graces by

The Three Graces
