ZANINO DI PIETRO - b. ~1370 Bologna, d. ~1440 Venezia - WGA


(b. ~1370 Bologna, d. ~1440 Venezia)

Italian painter, known also as Giovanni di Francia or Giovanni di Pietro Charlier. With Niccolò di Pietro and Jacobello del Fiore, Zanino di Pietro was one of the major Venetian painters of the first quarter of the 15th century. His activity in Bologna, repeatedly documented between 1389 and 1406, was of crucial importance for the pungent narrative style and naturalistic details of his earliest signed painting, a folding Crucifixion triptych painted for the Franciscan convent of Fonte Colombo (Rieti, Museo Civico). The inscription describes the artist as h[ab]itator ve[n]eciis i[n] contrata sa[nc]te a[ppol]linaris, and it is therefore datable to c. 1405, when Zanino seems to have moved permanently to Venice. Whether the triptych reflects the work of Gentile da Fabriano, who was active in Venice by 1408, or whether Zanino was instrumental in transmitting an Emilian style to Gentile cannot be answered satisfactorily. The most important commission of his career was that of decorating the façade of the Ca d’Oro in Venice, received shortly after his completion of the pulpit in the church of the Carità in the same city.

Zanino’s subsequent paintings reveal the influence of both Gentile and Michelino da Besozzo, who was active in Venice by 1410. The most important are two polyptychs in the Museo Diocesano, Camerino, and the Convento del Beato Sante, Mombarroccio, both in the Marches, the iconostasis of Torcello Cathedral and the fresco decoration of the tomb of the Beato Pacifico (1437; Venice, S Maria Gloriosa dei Frari).

Entry of Christ into Jerusalem
Entry of Christ into Jerusalem by

Entry of Christ into Jerusalem

First documented in Bologna from 1389, Zanino di Pietro there developed his naturalistic style and narrative aptitude. He moved to Venice before 1404, and along with Jacobello del Fiore and Niccolò` di Pietro, Zanino was to become one of the foremost painters in Venice in the early fifteenth century.

Madonna of Humility Flanked by Two Angels
Madonna of Humility Flanked by Two Angels by

Madonna of Humility Flanked by Two Angels

Along with Jacobello del Fiore, Zanino was one of the dominant painters in Venice in the first decades of the fifteenth century. His style betrays the influence of Gentile da Fabriano who passed through Venice in the early 1400s.

Madonna of Humility with a Donor and Angels
Madonna of Humility with a Donor and Angels by

Madonna of Humility with a Donor and Angels

This painting has much in common with other small devotional panels by Zanino di Pietro. The pose of the Madonna and in particular her cloak, with its green underside and embroidered brim that weaves its way round rather like a ribbon, may be compared to those in Zanino’s other panels.

Suggested listening (streaming mp3, 9 minutes):

Josquin Desprez: Motet (Benedicta es coelorum Regina)

Virgin and Child
Virgin and Child by

Virgin and Child

Born in Bologna, Zanino became one of the major Venetian painters of the first quarter of the fifteenth century. It has been suggested that Gentile da Fabriano, active in Venice from 1408, was dependent on the example of Zanino early in his career and that Zanino was instrumental in transmitting an Emilian style to him.

Virgin and Child (detail)
Virgin and Child (detail) by

Virgin and Child (detail)
